How to cancel subscriptions on iPhone?

Those unwanted subscriptions you have on your phone might not seem like a big deal for some months, but they are going to cost you a lot over a long period.

Monitor and Manage

Those unwanted subscriptions you have on your phone might not seem like a big deal for some months, but they are going to cost you a lot over a long period.

Accessing the Subscriptions 

All the information regarding those subscriptions is buried inside the settings icon. All that information is just a few steps away.

Going to iTunes and App store

1. Go to the settings and tap on "iTunes and App store." 2. You can find your Apple ID at the top. 3. Verify yourself by using a password or fingerprint or face ID.

Logging into your Apple account

After logging in to your Apple ID you can see the "subscriptions" and click on them. Now you can see all the active and expired subscriptions you have on your Apple ID.

Active Subscriptions

1. The active ones are the current subscriptions you are currently being billed for. These active subscriptions also include free trial subscriptions.

Expired Subscriptions

2. The expired ones include the subscriptions to which you have unsubscribed in the past.

Canceling the Unwanted Subscriptions

Now to cancel the unwanted ones, just tap on those and you will see some options, click on cancel to cancel the subscriptions. If you are in the middle of a free trial, when you click on it, you will see a message saying "cancel Free Trial."

Billing Consequences

There is still a chance of billing if you have canceled your subscription in the middle of the current billing period. To resubscribe to the canceled ones just tap on them and reactivate the services.

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