In this web story, we are going to see the best iPhone Tips and Tricks that we don't Know.
1. Choose the person you want to provide a custom alert from contact App. 2. Select Edit, and tap on Ringtone or Text Tone. 3. Pick ringtones or text tones for an alert.
To magnify your iPhone: 1. Navigate to Settings > Accessibility > Magnifier 2. Toggle ON the Magnifier.
Activate Siri by keeping the side button of iPhone and advise her to "Shout Loud at 10 pm"
Connect both of the AirPods one by one. Select the AirPlay button on iPhone and choose the second AirPods you linked.
Tap "Update all" beneath "Upcoming Automatic Updates" to update all iPhone applications.
1. Go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health 2. ON the “Optimized Battery Charging,” This part will initiate operating on iPhone.
Select and hold on the open new tab icon on the browser, and pick "Close All X Tabs."
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