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Hisense e5 error – How to fix

Owning a Hisense appliance? Frustrated with the notorious ‘hisense e5 error’ that pops up? Well, you’ve landed at the right place. Like many appliances, Hisense devices too have their quirks, but with the right knowledge, most issues can be fixed at home. Let’s dive into understanding this error better and explore ways to remedy it.

Hisense e5 error

Common Reasons for the E5 Error

  1. Faulty Evaporator Fan: At times, wear and tear can result in the fan not functioning as expected.
  2. Electrical Issues: Electrical fluctuations or circuit interruptions can trigger the error.
  3. Blocked Air Vents: Sometimes, the vents get blocked, preventing proper airflow.
  4. Faulty Control Board: Though less common, a defective control board might be the culprit.

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How to Fix hisense e5 error?

Fix 1: Checking and Repairing the Evaporator Fan

Understanding the importance of the evaporator fan is crucial. The evaporator fan is responsible for circulating the cold air inside your refrigerator. A malfunction here can have a direct impact on your appliance’s cooling efficiency. Let’s dive deep into the process of checking and repairing this vital component.

Safety First

Before anything else, always unplug the refrigerator. Working on electrical appliances without ensuring they’re unplugged can be dangerous. Safety should always be the priority.

Accessing the Evaporator Fan

The evaporator fan is generally located at the back of the freezer compartment. To access it, you’ll need to remove the items in the freezer and then carefully take off the back panel. Some models might have screws holding the panel in place, so keep a screwdriver handy.

Examining the Fan

Once you’ve exposed the fan, take a close look. Check for any visible signs of damage. Are there any cracks, or does it appear warped? Such indications can hint at a problem.

Next, try manually rotating the fan blades. They should move freely, without any obstruction. If they seem stuck or provide resistance, it’s a clear sign of malfunction. It might be due to accumulated debris or a fault within the fan motor itself.

Cleaning and Repairing

Sometimes, the issue can be as simple as accumulated debris causing obstruction. In such cases, clean the fan blades gently using a soft cloth. Ensure that no residue or foreign particles remain lodged in or around the fan.

If the fan still doesn’t rotate freely post-cleaning, or if you’ve identified visible damage, it’s a good indication that the fan requires replacement. It’s advised to purchase an original replacement part for compatibility and durability.

Reassembly and Testing

After either cleaning or replacing the evaporator fan, it’s time to reassemble. Carefully place the back panel in its original position and secure it. If there were screws, ensure they are tightened back in place.

Once everything is in order, plug the refrigerator back in. Listen closely for the sound of the fan. If functioning correctly, you should hear a consistent, quiet humming sound indicating it’s working.

Fix 2: Assessing and Securing Electrical Connections

  1. Safety Precautions: Before delving into the depths of your refrigerator’s internals, always ensure it’s unplugged. An active power connection can pose a significant risk.
  2. Locate the Wiring: The wiring connected to the evaporator fan, often nestled behind the freezer compartment, is crucial. Gently remove the back panel of the freezer to expose these wires.
  3. Examine the Wiring: Once visible, scrutinize each wire closely. Look for signs of wear, fraying, or any disconnections. A damaged wire can easily be the root cause of the hisense e5 error.
  4. Secure Loose Connections: If any wires appear loose, ensure they’re securely connected. Sometimes, a simple reconnection can resolve the error.
  5. Replace Damaged Wires: For frayed or visibly damaged wires, replacement is the best option. Using electrical tape as a temporary solution is not recommended, as it’s a mere stopgap and can lead to further complications.
  6. Reassemble and Test: Once you’ve secured or replaced the necessary wires, carefully reassemble the freezer’s back panel. Plug in the refrigerator, and keep an ear out for any abnormal sounds. Ideally, the error should now be resolved.

Fix 3: Addressing Blocked Air Vents

  1. Start with a Clear View: Empty out your refrigerator for easy access. This ensures you can easily spot and address any obstructions.
  2. Identify the Vents: The air vents in a refrigerator are responsible for maintaining optimal airflow. They can often be found on the refrigerator’s back wall or along its sides.
  3. Inspect for Blockages: Dust, debris, or even incorrectly stored food items can block these vents. A blockage can significantly impact the refrigerator’s cooling mechanism.
  4. Clear Any Obstructions: Using a soft cloth or a gentle brush, clear away any visible obstructions. Ensure that the vents are free from any debris or dust accumulation.
  5. Strategic Restocking: When placing items back into the refrigerator, be strategic. Ensure there’s ample space between items to allow for free airflow. Avoid pushing items directly against the vents.
  6. Monitor Temperature: Once you’ve addressed the blocked vents, monitor your refrigerator’s temperature. It should stabilize and maintain consistent cooling. If the temperature appears erratic, it might indicate a more complex underlying issue.

By addressing these fixes, you’re ensuring the smooth operation of your Hisense appliance. Always keep in mind that while these solutions can remedy many problems, certain persistent issues might require expert intervention. Regular maintenance and vigilance can prevent many errors and prolong the life of your refrigerator.

Fix 4: Evaluating and Replacing the Control Board

  1. Safety First: As always, begin by unplugging the refrigerator. The control board has intricate electrical components, and working on it with power can be hazardous.
  2. Access the Control Board: The control board is typically housed at the back or the bottom of the refrigerator. To get to it, you might need to remove a protective panel. Ensure you have the necessary tools, like a screwdriver, at hand.
  3. Inspect the Board: Once you’ve accessed the control board, take a moment to visually inspect it. Look for any signs of burns, discoloration, or damage. These are often indicators of a malfunctioning board.
  4. Test Connections: Use a multimeter to test the connections on the board. If you’re unfamiliar with this tool, it might be a good idea to consult an expert or watch a tutorial. Any irregular readings could suggest a faulty board component.
  5. Consider Replacement: If you’ve identified any damage or inconsistencies with the board, it might be time to replace it. Always opt for genuine replacement parts to ensure compatibility and longevity.
  6. Reassemble and Test: Once you’ve made the necessary adjustments or replacements, carefully put everything back together. Plug in the refrigerator and monitor its performance. A functioning control board should result in the error disappearing.

Fix 5: Cleaning and Unclogging the Condenser Coils

  1. Safety Precautions: Start by unplugging the refrigerator. This step is non-negotiable and ensures your safety.
  2. Locate the Coils: The condenser coils are typically found either at the back of the refrigerator or underneath it. These coils dissipate heat and play a vital role in the cooling process.
  3. Examine the Coils: Over time, these coils can accumulate dust, pet hair, and other debris. This accumulation can affect their efficiency. Inspect the coils closely to gauge the extent of the buildup.
  4. Clean the Coils: Using a coil cleaning brush or a soft brush attachment on a vacuum, gently clean the coils. Ensure you remove all the accumulated debris, as this can impede the coils’ functioning.
  5. Check for Damage: While cleaning, keep an eye out for any signs of damage or wear on the coils. Damaged coils can be less efficient and might need replacement.
  6. Reconnect and Observe: After cleaning, plug the refrigerator back in. The appliance should now work more efficiently, and any errors related to coil inefficiencies should be resolved.

Attending to these potential issues with your Hisense refrigerator ensures its optimal performance. Remember, regular maintenance checks can preempt many common problems, ensuring your appliance serves you well for years to come.

Fix 6: Monitoring and Refilling Refrigerant Levels

  1. Safety Precautions: Before you dive into checking refrigerant levels, always disconnect the refrigerator from the power source. This will ensure your safety during the process.
  2. Check for Obvious Leaks: The refrigerant is the substance that aids in cooling within the refrigerator. Start by checking the back and underside of the appliance for any visible signs of leaks. These might manifest as oily or greasy spots.
  3. Inspect the Refrigerant Lines: These lines, typically copper tubes running along the back, can sometimes get punctured or damaged. Thoroughly inspect them for any signs of wear or damage.
  4. Gauge Refrigerant Levels: This is a task best suited for professionals, as it requires specific tools like a manifold gauge. If you’re confident, connect the gauge to the compressor’s service valve to check levels. However, if unsure, it’s best to call in an expert.
  5. Refill if Necessary: If the refrigerant levels are found to be low, it indicates a leak. Identify and seal the leak, and then carefully refill the refrigerant. Always use the correct type and amount specified for your refrigerator model.
  6. Recheck and Monitor: After addressing the refrigerant issue, reconnect the appliance to the power and monitor its cooling efficiency over the next few days.

Fix 7: Ensuring Proper Door Sealing

  1. Inspect the Door Seals: Over time, the seals or gaskets of the refrigerator door can wear out or become dirty, preventing the door from sealing correctly. This can lead to cooling inefficiencies.
  2. Clean the Seals: Using a mild detergent and warm water, gently clean the seals. Remove any debris, food particles, or residue that might prevent a snug fit.
  3. Test the Seal: Close the door with a thin piece of paper or a dollar bill placed at the seal. If you can pull it out easily, the seal isn’t tight enough.
  4. Replace if Required: If cleaning doesn’t resolve the issue, consider replacing the seals. Ensure you get the correct size and type for your Hisense model.
  5. Monitor Cooling: After ensuring a proper seal, observe the refrigerator’s cooling efficiency. A good seal prevents cold air from escaping, thus optimizing performance.

Fix 8: Resetting the Refrigerator

  1. Power Off: Start by unplugging the refrigerator from its power source.
  2. Wait and Reset: Leave the appliance unplugged for about 10 minutes. This brief period allows the system to reset and can often resolve minor electronic glitches.
  3. Power On: Plug the refrigerator back into the power outlet.
  4. Observe Performance: Monitor the refrigerator’s functions. In many cases, a simple reset can resolve errors, especially if they’re electronically related.

Tending to your Hisense refrigerator with regular checks and prompt fixes ensures you get the best out of your appliance. While DIY solutions can tackle many problems, never hesitate to consult or hire a professional for complex issues.


The ‘hisense e5 error’ might seem daunting initially. However, with a systematic approach and a bit of patience, it’s manageable. Start by identifying the root cause and then proceed with the corresponding solution. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Regular maintenance and careful usage can save you from many such errors in the future. Safe troubleshooting!


What is the Hisense E5 error?

It’s an error indicating a refrigerator cooling problem or system malfunction.

Why is my evaporator fan crucial?

It circulates cold air, maintaining your fridge’s temperature.

I found damaged wires. What now?

Replace them or consult a technician for assistance.

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