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Apple pencil stopped working

The Apple Pencil is a remarkable tool that has revolutionized the way we interact with our iPads. Its precision and responsiveness make it an indispensable companion for artists, designers, note-takers, and more. However, just like any electronic device, the Apple Pencil may encounter issues over time. If you’ve found yourself in a situation where your beloved Apple Pencil has suddenly stopped working, don’t panic. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the common reasons behind this problem and provide you with step-by-step solutions to get your Apple Pencil back in action.

Apple pencil stopped working

Common Reasons Your Apple Pencil Stopped Working

  1. Battery Drainage: If your Apple Pencil has been left unused for an extended period, its battery might have completely drained, causing connectivity issues.
  2. Bluetooth Connectivity Problems: Improper Bluetooth pairing between the Apple Pencil and your iPad can lead to unresponsiveness.
  3. Software Glitches: Outdated software or glitches within the iPad’s system can result in the Apple Pencil not working as expected.
  4. Dirty or Damaged Tip: Physical damage or dirt accumulation on the Pencil’s tip can hinder its functionality and responsiveness.

How to fix apple pencil stopped working?

Fix 1: Recharge the Battery

If your Apple Pencil has suddenly stopped working, a drained battery might be the culprit. Follow these steps to recharge the battery and potentially restore its functionality:

  1. Connect to a Power Source: Plug your Apple Pencil into a power source using the iPad’s Lightning port or a charger adapter. Ensure it’s securely connected.
  2. Allow Charging: Let the Apple Pencil charge for at least 15-20 minutes. This initial charge is often sufficient to power it up.
  3. Check Connection: After charging, disconnect the Pencil and check if it’s responsive. If not, proceed to the next steps.
  4. Reconnect via Bluetooth: Ensure that your Apple Pencil is connected to your iPad via Bluetooth. Go to your iPad’s settings, select “Bluetooth,” and verify the connection.
  5. Test Responsiveness: Open a drawing app or notes app and test if the Apple Pencil is now responding accurately. If it’s working, the battery recharge was likely the solution.

If this fix doesn’t resolve the issue, proceed to the next steps for further troubleshooting. Remember to keep your Apple Pencil charged regularly to prevent future disruptions in its functionality.

Fix 2: Check Bluetooth Settings

Bluetooth connectivity issues can lead to an unresponsive Apple Pencil. To address this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings: Open the settings on your iPad by tapping the gear icon.
  2. Select Bluetooth: Look for the “Bluetooth” option in the settings menu and tap on it.
  3. Check Pencil Connection: Under the list of available devices, check if your Apple Pencil is listed. If it’s listed but not connected, tap on it to establish a connection. If it’s not listed, proceed to the next step.
  4. Unpair and Re-pair: If the connection remains unstable, you might need to unpair and re-pair the Apple Pencil. Tap on the “i” icon next to the Pencil’s name and select “Forget This Device.” Then, follow the instructions to re-pair the Pencil with your iPad.
  5. Test Responsiveness: Open an app that works with the Apple Pencil and test its responsiveness. If the Pencil now works as expected, the Bluetooth connection was likely the issue.

If this solution doesn’t resolve the problem, move on to the next troubleshooting steps to identify and address the underlying cause.

Fix 3: Update Software

Outdated software can sometimes cause the Apple Pencil to stop working. Ensure your iPad’s software is up-to-date by following these steps:

  1. Access Settings: Open the settings on your iPad by tapping the gear icon.
  2. Select General: Scroll down and tap on “General” in the settings menu.
  3. Check for Updates: Tap on “Software Update.” If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install it.
  4. Apple Pencil Update: Additionally, check for any available Apple Pencil firmware updates. Go to “Settings,” then “General,” and finally “About.” Look for “Apple Pencil” and check for updates.
  5. Install Updates: If updates are available for either the iPad’s software or the Apple Pencil’s firmware, install them and restart your iPad if necessary.
  6. Test Apple Pencil: Open an app compatible with the Apple Pencil and test if it’s now responsive. If the issue was caused by outdated software, this fix should resolve it.

By ensuring your devices are running the latest software versions, you can often prevent compatibility issues that might affect the functionality of the Apple Pencil. If this solution doesn’t work, there’s one more troubleshooting step to explore.

Fix 4: Clean or Replace the Tip

Physical damage or debris on the Apple Pencil’s tip can lead to unresponsiveness. Follow these steps to clean or replace the tip:

  1. Inspect the Tip: Carefully examine the tip of your Apple Pencil for any visible damage or dirt accumulation. Look for bends, cracks, or other abnormalities.
  2. Clean the Tip: If the tip appears dirty, gently clean it using a soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid using water or harsh chemicals, as these can damage the Pencil.
  3. Test Responsiveness: After cleaning, test the Apple Pencil’s responsiveness in a compatible app. If it’s working properly, the issue was likely due to debris on the tip.
  4. Replace the Tip: If the tip is significantly damaged and cleaning doesn’t improve its functionality, consider replacing it. You can purchase replacement tips from Apple’s official website.
  5. Follow Replacement Instructions: If you decide to replace the tip, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Replacement tips are designed to be easily swapped out without causing damage to the Pencil.

By ensuring the tip is in good condition and free from dirt or damage, you can maintain the accuracy and responsiveness of your Apple Pencil. If none of these fixes resolve the problem, it might be time to seek professional assistance or contact Apple Support for further guidance.

Fix 5: Verify Hardware Compatibility

Sometimes, compatibility issues can arise if your Apple Pencil model isn’t compatible with your iPad. Follow these steps to ensure hardware compatibility:

  1. Check Apple Pencil Model: Identify the model of your Apple Pencil. The first-generation Apple Pencil is compatible with certain iPad models, while the second-generation Apple Pencil works with a different set of iPads.
  2. Review iPad Compatibility: Visit Apple’s official website or refer to your iPad’s documentation to verify if your iPad model is compatible with the Apple Pencil you have.
  3. Test Compatibility: If you have access to another compatible iPad, try connecting your Apple Pencil to it to see if it works. If it does, then the issue might be related to compatibility with your primary iPad.
  4. Contact Apple Support: If you find that your Apple Pencil and iPad are not compatible, consider reaching out to Apple Support for advice on how to proceed. They can guide you on whether upgrading your iPad or Apple Pencil is necessary.

Ensuring that your Apple Pencil and iPad are compatible is crucial for optimal functionality. If this fix doesn’t resolve the issue, it’s recommended to seek expert assistance to diagnose and rectify the problem.

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Fix 6: Check for Physical Damage

If your Apple Pencil still isn’t working, it’s important to thoroughly examine it for any signs of physical damage that might not be immediately visible. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Inspect the Exterior: Carefully examine your Apple Pencil’s exterior for any cracks, dents, or other physical damage. Check both the body and the tip.
  2. Look for Bent Components: Ensure that the connector at the end of the Apple Pencil is not bent or damaged, as this could affect its connectivity.
  3. Check for Moisture: Verify that your Apple Pencil hasn’t come into contact with moisture or liquids, as this could lead to internal damage.
  4. Test on Another Device: If possible, try connecting your Apple Pencil to another compatible device. This can help determine whether the issue is with the Pencil itself or with your iPad.
  5. Consult a Professional: If you detect any physical damage or suspect internal issues, consider taking your Apple Pencil to an Apple Store or an authorized service provider for a professional assessment.

Physical damage can sometimes be the underlying cause of unresponsiveness, and it’s important to address it promptly to prevent further deterioration. If none of these steps resolve the issue, seeking professional assistance is recommended.

Fix 7: Perform a Hard Reset

If none of the previous fixes have worked, performing a hard reset on your iPad can sometimes resolve issues related to connectivity and software glitches. Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, Backup Data: Before proceeding, make sure you’ve backed up any important data on your iPad to prevent data loss.
  2. Perform the Reset: Depending on your iPad model, the method for performing a hard reset might vary. For iPads with a physical Home button, press and hold both the Home button and the Power button simultaneously until the Apple logo appears. For iPads without a Home button, quickly press and release the Volume Up button, then quickly press and release the Volume Down button, and finally press and hold the Power button until the Apple logo appears.
  3. Wait for Restart: Allow your iPad to restart. Once it’s fully rebooted, check if the Apple Pencil is now functioning as expected.

Performing a hard reset can help clear temporary software glitches that might be affecting your Apple Pencil’s functionality. If the problem persists even after a hard reset, it’s advisable to consult with Apple Support for further assistance.

Fix 8: Contact Apple Support

If you’ve exhausted all the previous fixes and your Apple Pencil still isn’t working, it’s time to seek professional help. Contacting Apple Support can provide you with expert guidance tailored to your specific situation. Here’s how:

  1. Visit Apple Support: Go to Apple’s official support website or use the Apple Support app on your iPad to access various support options.
  2. Choose Your Device: Select your iPad model and the issue you’re facing with your Apple Pencil from the available options.
  3. Contact Options: Apple Support offers various contact options, including phone calls, chat, and scheduling a callback. Choose the option that’s most convenient for you.
  4. Explain the Issue: When you connect with an Apple Support representative, explain the issue you’re experiencing with your Apple Pencil. Provide any relevant details, such as the troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken.
  5. Follow Expert Advice: The Apple Support team is trained to assist with a wide range of issues. They might provide additional troubleshooting steps or recommend a visit to an Apple Store or an authorized service provider if needed.

Reaching out to Apple Support ensures that you receive accurate guidance and personalized assistance, increasing the chances of resolving the issue with your Apple Pencil. Remember that Apple’s support experts have in-depth knowledge and resources to tackle even the most challenging problems.

Preventing Apple Pencil issues: Tips for Longevity

Preventing issues with your Apple Pencil is key to ensuring its longevity and optimal performance. Here are some tips to help you avoid common problems:

  • Tip 1: Regular Charging and Usage: To prevent battery drainage and ensure consistent performance, make it a habit to charge your Apple Pencil regularly, even if you’re not using it frequently.
  • Tip 2: Store Properly: When not in use, store your Apple Pencil in a safe and dry place to protect it from physical damage, moisture, and extreme temperatures.
  • Tip 3: Keep it Clean: Regularly clean the tip of your Apple Pencil with a soft, lint-free cloth to prevent dirt buildup that might affect responsiveness.
  • Tip 4: Update Software: Always keep your iPad’s software and Apple Pencil’s firmware up-to-date to ensure compatibility and resolve any potential software-related issues.
  • Tip 5: Be Mindful of Pressure: While the Apple Pencil is durable, excessive pressure or aggressive use could lead to premature wear and damage. Use it with a gentle touch.
  • Tip 6: Verify Compatibility:: Before purchasing an Apple Pencil, ensure that it’s compatible with your specific iPad model to avoid potential connectivity problems.
  • Tip 7: Use a Protective Case: Consider using a protective case for your iPad that includes a slot to hold your Apple Pencil. This helps prevent accidental damage during transport.
  • Tip 8: Avoid Water Exposure: Keep your Apple Pencil away from water and liquids. Moisture can seep into the device and cause internal damage.
  • Tip 9: Regularly Check for Updates: Periodically check for software updates for both your iPad and Apple Pencil to stay current with the latest features and bug fixes.
  • Tip 10: Handle with Care: Treat your Apple Pencil with care, just like any other electronic device. Avoid dropping it or subjecting it to unnecessary stress.

By following these preventive tips, you can prolong the lifespan of your Apple Pencil and reduce the likelihood of encountering issues in the future. Remember that proper maintenance and cautious usage go a long way in ensuring your device’s optimal functionality.


The Apple Pencil is undeniably a game-changer, but encountering issues like it suddenly not working can be frustrating. Remember that most problems have simple solutions. Begin by checking the basics: battery, connectivity, and software. If these steps don’t resolve the issue, consider inspecting the physical aspects of the Pencil, such as the tip. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can troubleshoot and fix the problem yourself, saving time and potential frustration. Keep your Apple Pencil in optimal condition, and you’ll continue to enjoy seamless creativity and productivity on your iPad.


Why did my Apple Pencil suddenly stop working?

Issues like drained battery, Bluetooth glitches, or software bugs can cause this frustrating problem.

Can a dead battery be the reason behind it?

Yes, if your Pencil’s battery is empty, it won’t respond. Charge it for a quick fix.

What if my Pencil isn’t connecting via Bluetooth?

Improper pairing might be the cause. Check settings and reconnect for a smooth connection.

Can software updates affect my Pencil’s functionality?

Outdated software can indeed lead to glitches. Keep both iPad and Pencil updated.

How do I clean the Pencil’s tip?

Gently clean with a soft cloth. Avoid liquids to prevent damage to the device.

What if the tip is damaged? Can I replace it?

Yes, you can buy replacement tips from Apple’s website and follow their instructions.

How do I ensure compatibility between Pencil and iPad?

Check Apple’s official site or documentation for compatibility details before purchase.

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