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What Is The Diffrenece Between Angular 13 Vs 14

The world of web development continues to see advancements with the constant evolution of major frameworks like Angular. Despite Angular 13 still being in its primetime, there are already whispers and speculations about the next version, Angular 14. While it is too early to pinpoint exact differences between Angular 13 and 14, since the latter is currently in its development phase, we can certainly indulge in careful conjectures based on Angular’s development pattern and overarching goals. With that said, this article strives to shed light on what known improvements Angular 13 brought to the table, and what potential enhancements Angular 14 might be offering.

Understanding Angular 13: The Hallmarks

Angular 13, officially launched in November 2021, aimed to provide performance breakthroughs and became a hit among developers. Its key attributes include:

Faster Builds & Reloads: Angular 13 provided substantial savings in both bundle size and build time, thanks to the introduction of the APF (Angular Package Format). It has enhanced Ivy-based linking and compilation, paving the way for faster development cycles.

Improved Development and Deployment: With the introduction of Angular DevTools, the debugging process has been significantly optimized. Additionally, Angular 13 extends automatic inlining of fonts during the deployment, supplementing the better loading performance provided by this new feature.

Stricter Types: The enforced stricter types of Angular 13 further support the high-quality building of large and complex applications.

Unfolding the Speculations: Angular 14

It is crucial to take a moment and appreciate the fact that these are calculated speculations and the real Angular 14, once released, might bring some different enhancements and changes.

Performance Improvements: Performance is always at the heart of any Angular update. By learning from the performance enhancements of Angular 13, we can anticipate that Angular 14 will accentuate this further. Developers could expect better optimization of the runtime to facilitate more scalable and efficient Angular applications.

Improved Developer Experience: One significant aspect is the continued enhancement of the developer experience. The launch of Angular DevTools in the 13th version was a step in honifying developer productivity. The Angular team may likely extend these features in Angular 14, ensuring a smoother debugging process and improved extension handling.

Component Test Harnesses: Angular 13 extended support for Testbed.overrideProvider(), which has proven to be beneficial from a testing angle. Predictably, Angular 14 would likely focus more on the betterment of the testing environment. The increased use of component test harnesses might be an emphasized feature.

Such speculations create a buzz in the developer community, making the wait for Angular 14 even more exciting. While it’s true that Angular 13 did bring some amazing features and enhancements to the table, it is also exciting to see what Angular 14 will hold. Developers around the world balance this curiosity with a realistic understanding that these are just speculations; the real Angular 14 may bring forth an entirely different set of surprising features and improvements. Here’s hoping for another constructive and promising Angular version!

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