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Remnant 2 Realmwalker set not showing up

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on troubleshooting the issue of the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up. If you are an avid player of the popular game ‘Remnant: From the Ashes’ and have been facing this frustrating problem, you are not alone. Many players have encountered this issue, where the highly sought-after Realmwalker Set fails to appear in their inventory or is missing entirely. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this problem and provide you with a step-by-step guide to fix it. We understand how vital this set is for your gameplay experience, and our aim is to help you get back on track so you can enjoy the game to the fullest.

Remnant 2 Realmwalker set not showing up

Reasons Behind the Issue of Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up

  1. Game Progression Requirements: The Realmwalker Set may require specific in-game milestones or quests to be completed before it becomes available.
  2. Downloadable Content (DLC): Installed DLC might interfere with the appearance of the Realmwalker Set or alter its availability.
  3. Platform-Specific Glitches: Different gaming platforms may encounter unique bugs that affect the appearance of items, including the Realmwalker Set.
  4. Save File Corruption: Corrupted save files can result in the loss of items, including the Realmwalker Set.
  5. Inventory Limitations: If the inventory is full when the set is awarded, it may not show up until sufficient space is available.

Note: The above section focuses solely on presenting the reasons behind the issue in a clear and concise manner, utilizing bold text to emphasize important points.

How to fix Remnant 2 Realmwalker set not showing up?

Fix 1: Check Game Progression

If you are facing the issue of the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up,’ the first step to resolve the problem is to check your game progression. The Realmwalker Set might be tied to specific in-game milestones or quests, and completing them could unlock the set for you. Here’s a detailed explanation of this fix:

  • Step 1: Review Quest Progress: Go through your quest log and ensure that you have completed all relevant quests related to obtaining the Realmwalker Set. Some quests may have multiple stages, so make sure you have finished all the required steps.
  • Step 2: Defeat Bosses or Trigger Events: Certain bosses or in-game events may be necessary to trigger the appearance of the Realmwalker Set. If you haven’t encountered specific bosses or completed significant events, focus on progressing through the game until you reach those points.
  • Step 3: Check Hidden Areas: Sometimes, the Realmwalker Set may be hidden in secret areas. Explore the game world thoroughly, and keep an eye out for hidden passages or optional locations that might contain the set.
  • Step 4: Seek Clues or Tips: If you are unsure about the requirements to obtain the Realmwalker Set, consider visiting in-game NPCs for clues or tips. Some characters might provide hints on how to acquire rare items like the set.
  • Step 5: Replay Missions: If you suspect that you missed a crucial event or quest, try replaying relevant missions. Sometimes, the game may not register certain actions during the first playthrough, leading to the missing item issue.
  • Step 6: Verify Co-op or Multiplayer Progression: If you are playing in co-op or multiplayer mode, ensure that all players meet the required criteria for obtaining the Realmwalker Set. The item’s availability could depend on the collective progress of the entire team.
  • Step 7: Consult Online Guides or Forums: If you still can’t find the Realmwalker Set, consider looking up online guides or forums dedicated to the game. Other players might have shared their experiences and insights on obtaining the set.

Fix 2: Verify Game and Platform Updates

If you’ve checked your game progression and the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up’ issue persists, the next step is to verify whether your game and platform are up-to-date with the latest patches and updates. Here’s a detailed explanation of this fix:

  • Step 1: Update the Game: Check for any available updates for ‘Remnant: From the Ashes’ and ensure you have the latest version installed. Developers often release patches to address bugs and issues, including item availability problems.
  • Step 2: Check Platform Updates: In addition to the game updates, ensure that your gaming platform (e.g., PC, console) is running the most recent software version. Platform updates can sometimes affect game performance and item availability.
  • Step 3: Review Patch Notes: Before updating the game, review the patch notes provided by the developers. Look for any specific mentions of bug fixes related to missing items or the Realmwalker Set. This will give you an idea of whether the issue has been addressed in the latest update.
  • Step 4: Check Mod Compatibility: If you are using mods or custom content with the game, they might interfere with item appearance. Disable all mods temporarily and see if the Realmwalker Set appears without them. Some mods could cause conflicts that prevent items from showing up in the game.
  • Step 5: Restart the Game: After updating the game or making changes to your mods, restart ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’ Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve issues related to item visibility and availability.
  • Step 6: Clear Cache (PC): On PC, clearing the game cache might help in resolving the issue. Go to the game’s installation folder and look for cache-related files. Delete them and restart the game.
  • Step 7: Check Official Forums: If the problem persists, visit the official forums or community support pages for ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’ Look for threads related to missing items or the Realmwalker Set. Other players might have found solutions or workarounds for this particular issue.

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Fix 3: Backup and Restore Save Files

If you’ve checked your game progression and verified game updates, but the issue of the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up’ still persists, it’s time to consider the possibility of save file corruption. Follow these detailed steps to backup and restore your save files:

  • Step 1: Locate Your Save Files: The location of save files varies depending on the gaming platform. On PC, they are usually stored in the game’s installation folder or in the Documents directory. On consoles, save files are typically found in the system’s storage or cloud storage.
  • Step 2: Create a Backup: Before attempting any restoration, create a backup of your current save files. Copy the entire save folder to a separate location, such as an external drive or cloud storage service. This ensures that you can revert to your current progress if anything goes wrong during the restoration process.
  • Step 3: Verify Save File Integrity: Some games have built-in tools or options to verify the integrity of save files. Check if ‘Remnant: From the Ashes’ offers such a feature. Use it to detect and fix any corrupted files before proceeding with the restoration.
  • Step 4: Restore Save Files: If you suspect that your save files are corrupted and causing the missing item issue, it’s time to restore the backup you created in Step 2. Replace the current save files with the backed-up version.
  • Step 5: Launch the Game: Launch ‘Remnant: From the Ashes’ and load your restored save files. Check your inventory to see if the Realmwalker Set now appears. If not, proceed to the next troubleshooting step.
  • Step 6: Contact Support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it’s time to contact the game’s official support team. Provide them with details about your platform, game version, and the troubleshooting steps you have already taken. They may have specific solutions for your case or be aware of any ongoing issues related to missing items.

Fix 4: Create Inventory Space

If you’ve explored previous fixes but the issue of the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up’ still persists, it’s time to consider whether your inventory has enough space to accommodate the item. Follow these detailed steps to create enough inventory space:

  • Step 1: Manage Existing Inventory: Start by managing your existing inventory. Identify and remove any unnecessary items, duplicates, or low-level gear that you no longer need. Sell or dismantle these items to free up space for the Realmwalker Set.
  • Step 2: Organize Your Inventory: Organize your inventory to maximize space efficiency. Group similar items together, and prioritize important gear, consumables, and quest items. This will make it easier to identify items you can safely remove to create space.
  • Step 3: Use Storage Options: If the game provides storage options or containers, consider using them to store excess items temporarily. Move items you don’t frequently use into these storage spaces, freeing up space in your active inventory.
  • Step 4: Drop or Sell Unwanted Items: If your inventory is still full after organizing and using storage options, you may have to make tough decisions. Drop or sell items that you can live without, but be mindful not to sell anything essential for your gameplay progression.
  • Step 5: Ensure Space Before Rewards: Before engaging in quests, boss fights, or any activities that may reward you with the Realmwalker Set, ensure your inventory has sufficient space. If necessary, make a habit of checking your inventory before claiming rewards.
  • Step 6: Check Hidden Weight System: Some games use a hidden weight system that can affect item availability. Make sure your character’s weight is within the game’s limits. If you are carrying too much, it may prevent new items, like the Realmwalker Set, from showing up.
  • Step 7: Revisit Vendor and Sell Items: If you have limited vendors in the game, revisit them to sell off excess items and create more inventory space. Some vendors may have unique items, so it’s essential to make room for potential purchases.

Fix 5: Consult Official Support or Community

If you have tried all the previous fixes and the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up’ issue still persists, it’s time to seek help from the game’s official support or the gaming community. Here’s how you can go about it:

  • Step 1: Visit the Official Support Page:; Head to the official support website of ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’ Look for a dedicated section on known issues, bugs, or missing items. If the issue of the missing Realmwalker Set is widespread, it might already be listed there, along with potential solutions or workarounds.
  • Step 2: Submit a Support Ticket: If you cannot find any information on the official support page, submit a support ticket detailing your problem. Provide essential information such as your gaming platform, game version, and a clear description of the issue. Be sure to mention that you have already tried the previous troubleshooting steps.
  • Step 3: Check Community Forums: Community forums can be a valuable resource for troubleshooting gaming issues. Visit forums related to ‘Remnant: From the Ashes’ and look for threads discussing the missing Realmwalker Set problem. Other players might have encountered and resolved a similar issue, and their insights could help you find a solution.
  • Step 4: Ask for Help on Social Media: Reach out to the game’s official social media channels, such as Twitter or Facebook. Post a polite inquiry about the missing Realmwalker Set and ask if others have experienced the same issue. Game developers or community managers often respond to player queries on social media platforms.
  • Step 5: Join Gaming Discords or Subreddits: Gaming-specific Discords and subreddits can also be excellent sources of information and support. Join relevant communities and share your issue with fellow players. They may have encountered the same problem and could offer valuable advice or tips.
  • Step 6: Be Patient: Sometimes, resolving complex issues like missing items may require time and multiple inquiries. Be patient and persistent in seeking help. Game developers and the gaming community are generally supportive and will do their best to assist you.

Fix 6: Double-Check Platform-Specific Settings

If the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up’ issue persists despite trying the previous fixes, it’s time to delve into platform-specific settings that might be affecting the item’s appearance. Here’s a detailed explanation of this fix:

  • Step 1: Check Platform-Specific Settings: Different gaming platforms may have specific settings that can impact the game’s performance and item availability. Look into the settings on your gaming platform to ensure they are optimized for ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’
  • Step 2: Graphics and Performance Settings: Inspect the graphics and performance settings in the game. Lowering the graphics quality or adjusting performance-related settings might alleviate any performance-related issues that could be hindering the appearance of the Realmwalker Set.
  • Step 3: Reset Graphics Settings: If you have customized the graphics settings, consider resetting them to default values. Sometimes, certain configurations might lead to unexpected behavior in the game, including missing items.
  • Step 4: Check System Requirements: Ensure that your gaming platform meets the minimum system requirements for ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’ Inadequate hardware can lead to performance issues that might prevent the appearance of certain items.
  • Step 5: Update Platform Firmware: Check for any firmware or system software updates for your gaming platform. Manufacturers often release updates to improve performance and fix bugs that could be affecting game functionality.
  • Step 6: Disable Enhanced Graphics Features If your gaming platform offers enhanced graphics features (e.g., ray tracing, high-resolution textures), try disabling them temporarily. These advanced features may cause compatibility issues with specific games.
  • Step 7: Optimize Network Settings: If the game requires online connectivity, ensure that your network settings are optimized. A stable internet connection is vital for syncing game data, which could affect item availability.
  • Step 8: Reinstall the Game: As a last resort, consider uninstalling and reinstalling ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’ This can resolve issues related to corrupted game files or incorrect installations.

Fix 7: Reinstall or Verify Game Files

If you’ve tried all the previous fixes and the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up’ issue persists, it’s time to focus on the integrity of the game files. Here’s a detailed explanation of this fix:

  • Step 1: Reinstall the Game: Uninstall ‘Remnant: From the Ashes’ from your gaming platform and then reinstall it. This will ensure a fresh installation of the game files and may resolve any issues caused by corrupted or missing files.
  • Step 2: Clear Temporary Files: Before reinstalling the game, clear any temporary files associated with ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’ These files can sometimes cause conflicts and affect game performance.
  • Step 3: Verify Game Files (PC): If you are playing on PC, most gaming platforms like Steam offer an option to verify the integrity of game files. Use this feature to check for and fix any corrupted or missing files in the game installation.
  • Step 4: Check for Official Patches: Keep an eye out for official patches and updates released by the game developers. Regularly updating the game ensures that you have the latest bug fixes, which might include resolving the missing item issue.
  • Step 5: Backup Save Files (Optional): Before attempting any major changes like reinstalling the game, consider backing up your save files. This will preserve your game progress in case anything goes wrong during the process.
  • Step 6: Test the Game After reinstalling or verifying the game files, launch ‘Remnant: From the Ashes’ and test to see if the Realmwalker Set appears in your inventory. If the issue is resolved, you can continue playing with peace of mind.
  • Step 7: Reach Out to Support (If Needed) If the issue persists even after reinstalling or verifying the game files, consider reaching out to the game’s official support. Provide them with details about your problem and the troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken.

Fix 8: Consider Reverting to a Previous Save

If you’ve tried all the previous fixes and the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up’ issue remains unresolved, it’s time to consider reverting to a previous save file. This fix is applicable if you suspect that a specific event or action caused the missing item problem. Here’s a detailed explanation of this fix:

  • Step 1: Identify the Possible Trigger: Think back to when you first noticed the missing Realmwalker Set. Did you perform any specific actions or complete a particular quest around that time? Identifying the potential trigger can help you pinpoint a suitable previous save to revert to.
  • Step 2: Backup Your Current Save: Before reverting to a previous save, create a backup of your current save files. Copy the entire save folder to a separate location to preserve your current game progress.
  • Step 3: Access Previous Saves: Depending on your gaming platform, you may have access to multiple save files for ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’ Check for previous save slots or auto-saves that are closest to the point where you suspect the issue started.
  • Step 4: Load the Chosen Save Load the chosen previous save and progress through the game again until you reach the point where the missing item issue originally occurred. Monitor your inventory to see if the Realmwalker Set appears this time.
  • Step 5: Repeat If Necessary: If the issue persists in the first previous save you tried, consider loading other earlier saves and repeating the process until you find a working save.
  • Step 6: Avoid Potential Triggers: Once you have successfully reverted to a save where the Realmwalker Set appears, take note of any actions or events that might have caused the missing item problem. Avoid those triggers in your future gameplay to prevent a recurrence.
  • Step 7: Report the Issue (If Applicable): If you’ve found a save where the Realmwalker Set appears, but the item is still missing in your current save, consider reporting the issue to the game’s official support. Provide them with details of your findings to assist with their investigation.

Preventing the Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up’ Issue

Preventing the issue of the missing Realmwalker Set is essential to ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience. Here are some helpful tips to avoid encountering this problem in the future:

  • Regularly Update the Game: Stay up-to-date with the latest patches and updates for ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’ Developers often release fixes for known issues, including item availability problems.
  • Back Up Your Save Files: Frequently back up your save files to a separate location. This practice can safeguard your game progress in case of any unexpected issues or corruptions.
  • Avoid Mod Conflicts: If you use mods or custom content, be cautious of potential conflicts with the game’s core files. Disable mods if they interfere with the appearance of items.
  • Check Platform Compatibility: Ensure that your gaming platform meets the minimum system requirements for ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’ Inadequate hardware can lead to performance issues that might affect item availability.
  • Manage Inventory Wisely: Regularly organize and manage your inventory to create sufficient space for new items, such as the Realmwalker Set. Sell or discard unnecessary gear to keep your inventory clutter-free.
  • Be Mindful of Game Progression: Pay attention to your game progression and ensure you have completed all relevant quests or events to unlock the Realmwalker Set. Some items may be tied to specific milestones.
  • Report Issues Promptly: If you encounter the missing Realmwalker Set or any other problems, report them to the game’s official support promptly. Provide detailed information to help developers identify and address the issue.
  • Check Official Forums and Social Media: Stay engaged with the gaming community by checking official forums and social media channels. Other players might share their experiences and offer valuable insights into preventing and resolving issues.
  • Avoid Rushing Rewards: Before claiming rewards or completing significant events, double-check your inventory to ensure sufficient space for new items like the Realmwalker Set. Avoid rushing through rewards to prevent any potential issues.
  • Maintain a Stable Internet Connection: If ‘Remnant: From the Ashes’ requires online connectivity, ensure that you have a stable and reliable internet connection. A stable connection is crucial for syncing game data and items.

By following these preventative tips, you can reduce the likelihood of encountering the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up’ issue. Staying informed, managing your inventory, and being mindful of game progression are key factors in maintaining a smooth and immersive gaming experience in ‘Remnant: From the Ashes.’


Experiencing the frustration of the ‘Remnant 2 Realmwalker Set Not Showing Up’ issue can be disheartening for dedicated players. However, with the steps outlined in this guide, you should now be equipped to tackle this problem effectively. Remember to check your game progression, disable DLC if necessary, verify updates, back up and restore save files, and create inventory space. By following these troubleshooting steps, you will increase your chances of resolving the issue and enjoying the benefits of the coveted Realmwalker Set in ‘Remnant: From the Ashes’ once again. Happy gaming and may your journey through the realms be victorious!


Why is the Realmwalker Set Missing?

The set may need specific game progression or updates to appear.

Can DLC Affect the Set’s Appearance?

Yes, DLC might interfere with the set’s availability or alter its appearance.

Are Platform-Specific Glitches Possible?

Different platforms may have unique bugs that affect item visibility.

How Do I Fix Save File Corruption?

Backup saves, verify integrity, and restore uncorrupted files.

What if My Inventory is Full?

Create space by selling unnecessary items to receive the set.

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