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Why are my snapchat notifications not working

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms, allowing users to share moments, connect with friends, and stay updated. However, it can be frustrating when you don’t receive notifications for new messages or snaps. If you find yourself wondering, “Why are my Snapchat notifications not working?” you’re not alone. In this article, we will explore some common reasons behind this issue and provide you with effective solutions to get your notifications up and running again. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can fix this problem and never miss a Snapchat notification again.

why are my snapchat notifications not working

Reasons Behind Snapchat Notification Issues

  1. Incorrect Notification Settings: One of the common reasons for Snapchat notifications not working is incorrect notification settings. If you have disabled notifications or haven’t configured them properly, you may not receive any alerts when you receive new snaps or messages.
  2. App Glitches and Bugs: Snapchat, like any other app, can experience glitches and bugs that interfere with the proper functioning of notifications. These technical issues may prevent notifications from reaching your device.
  3. Outdated App Version: Using an outdated version of Snapchat can cause compatibility issues, including problems with notifications. Developers regularly release updates to address bugs and improve app performance. Not having the latest version installed may result in notification failures.
  4. Battery Optimization Settings: Some devices have battery optimization settings that limit the background activity of apps to conserve power. Snapchat notifications may be affected if the app is restricted from running in the background.
  5. Network Connection Issues: Poor or unstable internet connectivity can hinder the delivery of Snapchat notifications. If your device is experiencing network issues, you may not receive timely alerts for new snaps or messages.
  6. Device-Specific Settings: Certain device settings or configurations can interfere with Snapchat notifications. For example, “Do Not Disturb” mode, which silences all notifications, can prevent you from receiving alerts. Similarly, low volume settings or blocked notifications from specific apps can also be a reason.
  7. Third-Party Apps and Antivirus Software: In some cases, third-party apps or antivirus software can interfere with the functioning of Snapchat notifications. These apps may mistakenly categorize Snapchat notifications as spam or potentially harmful, leading to a failure in their delivery.

Identifying the specific reason behind your Snapchat notification issue is crucial to implement the appropriate fix. By understanding these reasons, you can now proceed to troubleshoot and resolve the problem effectively.

How to Fix why are my snapchat notifications not working?

Fix 1: Restart Snapchat and Your Device

Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve minor glitches and refresh the system, potentially fixing notification problems. Follow these steps to restart Snapchat and your device:

  1. Force Close Snapchat: On most devices, you can force close an app by swiping up from the bottom of the screen (or double-clicking the home button on iPhones without a home button) to access the app switcher. Swipe left or right to locate the Snapchat app, then swipe up or off the screen to close the app completely.
  2. Reopen Snapchat: After force closing the app, open Snapchat again by tapping on its icon from your device’s home screen or app drawer.
  3. Check for Notifications: Once you’re back in Snapchat, check if your notifications are now working properly. Send a test snap or message to see if you receive the appropriate notification.
  4. Restart Your Device: If restarting Snapchat alone doesn’t fix the notification issue, try restarting your device entirely. Power off your device by pressing and holding the power button (or the power button and volume down button simultaneously on some devices) until the power options menu appears. Select the “Power Off” or “Restart” option, wait for your device to shut down completely, and then turn it back on.
  5. Open Snapchat Again: Once your device has restarted, launch Snapchat and check if the notifications are functioning correctly now.

By restarting both Snapchat and your device, you can clear any temporary glitches or conflicts that may have been causing the notification issue. This method often resolves minor software-related problems and can help restore the proper functioning of Snapchat notifications.

Fix 2: Check Your Notification Settings

One of the first steps to fix Snapchat notification issues is to ensure that your notification settings are properly configured. Follow these detailed steps:

  1. Open Snapchat and Access Your Profile: Launch the Snapchat app on your device. Tap on the Bitmoji icon or the ghost icon in the top left corner to access your profile.
  2. Access Settings: Tap on the gear icon in the top right corner of your profile screen. This will open the settings menu.
  3. Navigate to Notifications: Scroll down the settings menu and locate the “Notifications” option. Tap on it to proceed.
  4. Enable “Allow Notifications”: In the Notifications menu, make sure the “Allow Notifications” option is toggled on. If it is already enabled, move on to the next step. If not, toggle it on to enable notifications for Snapchat.
  5. Adjust Additional Notification Settings: Review the following settings and adjust them according to your preferences:
    • Notification Sounds: Ensure that you have a sound selected for Snapchat notifications. If not, choose a sound from the available options.
    • Vibrate: If you want your device to vibrate when you receive Snapchat notifications, verify that the vibrate option is enabled.
    • Show Previews: Decide whether you want to see message previews in your notifications. Toggle this option based on your preference.

By following these steps, you can verify and adjust your notification settings to ensure that they are correctly configured for Snapchat. This can help resolve any misconfigurations that may have been causing the notification issue.

Remember to save your changes before exiting the settings menu. After making the necessary adjustments, check if your Snapchat notifications start working properly.

Read more: iMessage is signed out error

Fix 3: Update Snapchat to the Latest Version

Using an outdated version of Snapchat can lead to compatibility issues, including problems with notifications. Ensure that you have the latest version of Snapchat installed on your device by following these steps:

  1. Open the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android): Locate the respective app store on your device’s home screen or app drawer.
  2. Search for “Snapchat”: In the search bar of the app store, type “Snapchat” and search for the app.
  3. Check for Updates: If an update is available for Snapchat, you will see an “Update” button next to the app. Tap on the “Update” button to download and install the latest version.
  4. Wait for the Update to Complete: Allow the update process to complete. This may take a few moments depending on your internet connection speed.
  5. Launch Snapchat: Once the update is successfully installed, open Snapchat on your device.
  6. Test Notifications: Send a test snap or message to see if the notifications are now functioning properly. You should receive the appropriate notification for the new activity.

Updating Snapchat to the latest version ensures that you have the most recent bug fixes, improvements, and compatibility enhancements. By keeping your app up to date, you increase the chances of resolving any issues related to notifications not working.

If the problem persists even after updating Snapchat, you may need to explore further troubleshooting steps or consider reaching out to Snapchat support for assistance.

Fix 4: Disable Battery Optimization for Snapchat

Some devices have battery optimization settings that restrict certain apps from running in the background, which can affect app notifications. To ensure that Snapchat is not being hindered by battery optimization, follow these steps:

  1. Access Device Settings: Open the settings menu on your device. This can typically be done by tapping on the gear icon in the app drawer or by swiping down from the top of the screen and tapping on the gear icon in the notification panel.
  2. Find Battery or Battery Optimization Settings: Look for the “Battery” or “Battery Optimization” option in the settings menu. The exact location and name may vary depending on your device’s make and model.
  3. Locate Snapchat in the App List: In the battery or battery optimization settings, you will find a list of apps. Scroll through the list to find “Snapchat.”
  4. Disable Battery Optimization for Snapchat: Tap on Snapchat to access its individual settings. Look for an option that allows you to control battery optimization for the app. It may be labeled as “Optimize battery usage” or something similar. Toggle off the optimization for Snapchat.
  5. Confirm the Changes: Save the changes by tapping on the “Save” or “Done” button, if applicable, or simply exit the settings menu.

Disabling battery optimization for Snapchat ensures that the app can run in the background and receive notifications properly, even when the device is in power-saving mode. This fix can help resolve any issues related to Snapchat notifications not working due to battery restrictions.

After making these changes, test your Snapchat notifications by sending a test snap or message to see if the issue is resolved. If the problem persists, you may need to explore additional troubleshooting steps or seek further assistance from Snapchat support.

Fix 5: Clear Cache and Data for Snapchat

Sometimes, accumulated cache and data within the Snapchat app can cause issues, including problems with notifications. Clearing the cache and data can help resolve these issues. Follow these steps:

  1. Access App Settings: Open the settings menu on your device and navigate to the “Apps” or “Applications” section. This may be listed as “Apps & notifications” on some devices.
  2. Find Snapchat in the App List: Scroll through the list of installed apps and find “Snapchat.” Tap on it to access its settings.
  3. Clear Cache: Within the Snapchat app settings, you should see an option called “Storage” or “Storage & cache.” Tap on it to proceed.
  4. Clear Cache and Data: In the storage settings, you will see two options: “Clear cache” and “Clear data” or “Clear storage.” Start by selecting “Clear cache” to remove temporary files and data associated with the app.
  5. Confirm Clearing Cache: A confirmation prompt may appear asking if you want to clear the cache. Confirm by tapping “OK” or “Clear” to proceed.
  6. Clear Data (Optional): If clearing the cache doesn’t resolve the issue, you can go back to the storage settings and select “Clear data” or “Clear storage.” Note that selecting this option will delete all app data, including your login information and preferences. Use this option only if necessary and make sure you have backed up any important data.
  7. Relaunch Snapchat: Once the cache and data have been cleared, exit the app settings and relaunch Snapchat on your device.

By clearing the cache and data, you are essentially starting fresh with the app, removing any potential corrupt files or settings that may have been causing the notification issue. Test your Snapchat notifications after performing this fix to check if they are working properly now.

If the problem persists, you may need to consider further troubleshooting steps or seek assistance from Snapchat support.

Fix 6: Reinstall Snapchat

If none of the previous fixes have resolved the Snapchat notification issue, reinstalling the app can be a viable solution. This process ensures that you have a fresh installation of Snapchat, eliminating any potential app-related glitches or conflicts. Follow these steps to reinstall Snapchat:

  1. Uninstall Snapchat: Locate the Snapchat app on your device’s home screen or app drawer. Press and hold the app icon until a menu appears. Look for the option to uninstall or remove the app, which may be represented by a trash can icon or an “Uninstall” button. Tap on it to uninstall Snapchat from your device.
  2. Restart Your Device: After uninstalling Snapchat, restart your device. This step helps clear any remaining traces of the app and ensures a clean slate for the reinstallation process. Power off your device, wait for a few seconds, and then power it back on.
  3. Download Snapchat: Open the app store on your device, either the App Store for iOS or the Google Play Store for Android. Search for “Snapchat” in the search bar and locate the official Snapchat app in the search results. Tap on the app to access its page.
  4. Install Snapchat: On the Snapchat app page, look for the “Install” button. Tap on it to download and install the app on your device. Wait for the installation process to complete.
  5. Sign in to Snapchat: Once Snapchat is successfully installed, open the app and sign in with your Snapchat credentials. If you don’t have an account, you can create a new one.
  6. Configure Notification Settings: After signing in, follow the steps mentioned in Fix 1 to ensure that your notification settings are correctly configured. Verify that the “Allow Notifications” option is enabled and adjust other settings as desired.

By reinstalling Snapchat, you essentially start fresh with a clean installation, which can help resolve any persistent notification issues. Test your Snapchat notifications after reinstalling the app to check if they are now functioning properly.

If the problem still persists, it may be worth reaching out to Snapchat support for further assistance, as there could be underlying factors specific to your device or account that require additional troubleshooting.

Fix 7: Check Network Connection and Data Restriction Settings

In some cases, network connection issues or data restriction settings can affect the delivery of Snapchat notifications. Follow these steps to ensure that your network connection is stable and that Snapchat has the necessary access:

  1. Check Network Connection: Ensure that your device has a stable and reliable internet connection. Connect to a Wi-Fi network if available, or check your mobile data connection. Weak or unstable network connections can hinder the delivery of Snapchat notifications.
  2. Disable Data Saver Mode (Android): If you are using an Android device, check if Data Saver mode is enabled. Data Saver mode restricts background data usage for apps, which can affect the delivery of notifications. To disable Data Saver mode, go to your device’s settings, find the “Network & Internet” or “Connections” section, and locate “Data Usage” or a similar option. Disable Data Saver mode if it is enabled.
  3. Check Background App Refresh Settings: On some devices, there are settings that restrict apps from running in the background or limit their access to data. Make sure Snapchat is allowed to run in the background and has unrestricted access to data. Navigate to your device’s settings, find the “Apps” or “Applications” section, locate Snapchat, and review its background app refresh or data usage settings. Ensure that restrictions are not in place.
  4. Disable VPN or Proxy Connections: If you are using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or proxy connection, it could potentially interfere with the proper functioning of Snapchat notifications. Temporarily disable any VPN or proxy connections you have enabled and check if the notifications start working. If they do, consider adjusting your VPN or proxy settings to allow Snapchat notifications.
  5. Reset Network Settings: If you are experiencing persistent network issues, you can try resetting your device’s network settings. Keep in mind that this action will remove saved Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth connections, and other network-related settings. To reset network settings, go to your device’s settings, find the “Network & Internet” or “Connections” section, and look for an option to reset network settings. Confirm the reset, and after your device restarts, reconnect to Wi-Fi networks and test Snapchat notifications.

By ensuring a stable network connection and checking data restriction settings, you can eliminate potential network-related factors that may be causing Snapchat notifications to not work properly. Test your Snapchat notifications after performing these steps to see if the issue is resolved.

Fix 8: Check App Permissions for Snapchat

App permissions play a crucial role in allowing apps to access necessary features and functions on your device. If Snapchat does not have the required permissions, it may result in notification issues. Follow these steps to check and adjust app permissions for Snapchat:

  1. Access App Settings: Open the settings menu on your device and navigate to the “Apps” or “Applications” section. This may be listed as “Apps & notifications” on some devices.
  2. Find Snapchat in the App List: Scroll through the list of installed apps and find “Snapchat.” Tap on it to access its settings.
  3. Check App Permissions: Look for an option called “Permissions” or “App permissions” within the Snapchat app settings. Tap on it to view the permissions that Snapchat has been granted.
  4. Enable Necessary Permissions: Review the list of permissions and ensure that the necessary ones are enabled for Snapchat. These permissions may include:
    • Notifications: Make sure the “Notifications” permission is enabled. This allows Snapchat to send you notifications for new snaps and messages.
    • Storage: Enable the “Storage” permission to allow Snapchat to save and access files on your device.
    • Microphone and Camera: If you use Snapchat’s features that require access to the microphone or camera, ensure that these permissions are enabled.
  5. Adjust Permissions: If any necessary permissions are disabled, toggle them on to grant Snapchat access. Tap on the toggle switch next to each permission to enable or disable it.
  6. Relaunch Snapchat: Exit the app settings and relaunch Snapchat on your device.

By ensuring that Snapchat has the required permissions, you enable the app to function properly and deliver notifications without any issues. Test your Snapchat notifications after adjusting the app permissions to see if they are now working as expected.

If the problem persists, you may need to explore further troubleshooting steps or seek assistance from Snapchat support.

Preventing Snapchat Notification Issues: Tips to Ensure Smooth Notification Delivery

To prevent future issues with Snapchat notifications not working, it’s important to take proactive measures. Here are some preventive tips to ensure a smooth notification delivery experience:

1. Keep Snapchat Updated: Regularly check for updates in the app store and install the latest version of Snapchat. Developers release updates to address bugs, enhance performance, and improve compatibility, which can help prevent notification issues.

2. Enable Automatic App Updates: Enable automatic updates for Snapchat on your device. This ensures that you always have the latest version installed without having to manually check for updates.

3. Check Device Settings: Periodically review your device’s settings related to notifications, battery optimization, data restrictions, and app permissions. Ensure that Snapchat has the necessary permissions and is allowed to run in the background.

4. Maintain a Stable Network Connection: Strong and stable network connectivity is essential for timely delivery of Snapchat notifications. Stay within range of a reliable Wi-Fi network or ensure that your mobile data connection is stable to avoid interruptions in notification delivery.

5. Restart Snapchat and Your Device: If you encounter any minor glitches with Snapchat notifications, try restarting the app and your device. This can help resolve temporary issues and refresh the system.

6. Clear Cache and Data: Regularly clear the cache and data for Snapchat to prevent any accumulation of temporary files and potential conflicts. However, exercise caution and ensure that you have backed up any important data before clearing the app’s data.

7. Avoid Data-Saving Modes: If you experience issues with Snapchat notifications, ensure that any data-saving modes, such as Data Saver mode on Android devices, are disabled. These modes may restrict background data usage and interfere with notification delivery.

8. Monitor App Permissions: Keep an eye on the permissions granted to Snapchat and other apps on your device. Review and adjust app permissions as necessary to ensure that Snapchat has the required access for delivering notifications.

By following these preventive tips, you can minimize the chances of encountering Snapchat notification issues in the future and ensure a seamless experience on the platform. Regular maintenance and staying up to date with app and device settings can go a long way in preventing potential problems.


Troubleshooting Snapchat notification issues can be resolved by checking settings, updating the app, and ensuring proper device configurations. By following the suggested fixes and preventive tips, users can enjoy uninterrupted notification delivery on Snapchat. Implementing these steps will help users stay connected with their friends, never missing out on important moments shared through the app. Keep Snapchat updated, adjust settings, and maintain a stable network connection to prevent future notification problems. With these solutions in place, users can have a seamless and enjoyable experience on Snapchat, staying connected with the latest updates from friends and loved ones.


Why am I not receiving Snapchat notifications?

Not getting notifications can occur due to incorrect settings, app glitches, or outdated versions.

How can I fix Snapchat notification problems?

You can troubleshoot by checking settings, restarting the app, updating it, or disabling battery optimization.

What should I do if Snapchat notifications don’t work after updates?

Clear cache and data, or reinstall Snapchat to resolve persistent notification issues.

Why are my Snapchat notifications delayed?

Delayed notifications can be caused by poor network connection or restrictions on background app refresh.

Can third-party apps affect Snapchat notifications?

Yes, certain apps or antivirus software can interfere with Snapchat notifications. Disable or adjust them if needed.

How can I ensure smooth Snapchat notification delivery?

Keep Snapchat updated, review device settings, maintain a stable network, and regularly clear cache.

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