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com.android.chrome- used for


We do many things on our phones. Searching for anything and everything is the most common thing that everyone does. We come across so many things in a day. About 80% of the time, we take our phone and search for something in it. We do all kinds of searching in web browsers. Web browsers take us to the internet. It gives us information from the web and the contents. Which are displayed on our device screen. We might have used many web browsers. Some of the common examples of web browsers include Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. One of them is widely popular web browsers include Google Chrome.Com.android.chrome is the package name of Google Chrome.

Mobile phones have become an important part of our life. It is not just limited to calling these days. It performs so many functions that can not be even listed here. But, have we thought if the internet was not available on our phone, would we use it as it is being used today? It is used mostly by all of the users. It is used as the default browser by many devices. Chrome operating system has Google Chrome as its main component. Web applications serve chrome as a platform in Chrome OS.


What is com.android.chrome?

We just had a brief introduction to web browsers. So now let us know what is com.android.chrome?

Com.android.chrome is the package name of Google Chrome. Microsoft Windows released Google Chrome in the year 2008 as free software for Mozilla Firefox and Apple Web kit. Later, it was ported to Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. Android uses Google Chrome as a default browser. Google released an open-source software project known as Chromium. This project was free and the source code of Chrome has been adopted from it mostly. Chrome is the most dominantly used browser in most mobile phones and PCs. 

read also: content://com.android.browser.home/: Setup a browser homepage

Features of com.android.chrome

Chrome has a very simple yet effective user interface. It gives a strong performance when compared to other browsers. There are many features of it which include:

Synchronize Settings and Bookmarks: 

Users can synchronise their history, bookmarks and settings in all the devices where they have installed Google Chrome. The users need to sign in with their Account. The user has to input the correct email id and password to log in with Chrome on different devices. Once they are authenticated and verified properly, they are ready to go. Chrome syncs all the information of the browser in all the devices of the user. This makes Chrome convenient and user friendly.


Chrome supports JavaScript as per standards of ECMAScript where a browser has to score low for better performance. Chrome scored 37 with 10 fails which is a better score in comparison with other browsers and passed with 89.75% in CSS 2.1 test suite. Again, Chrome had a total score of 518 out of 555 points in the HTML5 web standard test. These test results are proof that Google chrome has very good support as a browser in comparison with other browsers. 


Chrome has an updated system for attacks like phishing and malware. When a user tries to visit any harmful website, Chrome gives a warning to him. Each tab which a user opens has no interaction with the OS memory and the files of the user. The tabs cannot interfere with the processes of the other tabs. Since 2016, Chrome has started to give a warning to its users when they visit any insecure website with an HTTP URL. It encourages its users to make use of secure websites having HTTPS URL. From 2018, Chrome has released an ad featuring a system that is built-in in their environment. They have started to list down the websites which compel the users to subscribe to mobile subscriptions without their will. From the year 2020 Chrome has improved its privacy and safety for users browsing the web on it. 

Management of Password: 

In Windows OS, chrome saves the password of the users for their various accounts. When the user tries to have access to these passwords, he or she has to enter their Account Password to see the saved passwords in Chrome. For Linux OS, there are three ways in which Chrome stores the password:Gnome Keyring, KWallet and Plain text. These methods are allocated according to the environment of the desktop in use. In Gnome Keyring and KWallet, passwords are encrypted and software controls their access. The encryption is done on a disk. There is no encryption on plain text passwords. The users can also type commands to manually choose the method for storing passwords. These commands have to be specified in the terminal. 

Ad Blocking:

 Chrome introduced an ad-blocking feature in the year 2018. 30 days warning is given to the websites that have very interfering ads for users who browse on them. If they do not take things into control then Chrome blocks these websites.


The users who frequently use Google Chrome must be using Incognito mode as well. The users make use of Incognito mode to browse their private things. This is a privacy feature that does not let the browser store any information regarding the browsing history, data of the website, user input or cookies. Though the user can store the files which are downloaded in this mode his activity is not hidden from the website he visits or his service provider. The users can switch been Incognito mode and Regular mode at any time. 

Voice Recognition: 

Since 2015, Chrome has voice recognition feature. Instead of typing in the search tab, the users can use this feature. The users just have to tap on the mic icon and say aloud the things they want to search. By default, this feature is OFF and the users have to permit to use it.


Google chrome has a fast performance as compared to other web browsers. Its search engine has been improving time and again. To increase the speed of website lookup, Chrome uses a technology to fetch DNS. Google Chrome is now working on including speed badging in their system by which the users will know the reasons for the delayed response of the website.


 Chrome allocates each tab open with a distinct process and separate add-ons. This method increases security and stability and prevents any interference between the processes. Even if one process fails, it will not impact other processes. Again, if there are security issues in one tab, it will not hamper another tab. Chrome also has a task manager where we can see the memory, downloading and CPU usage of the tabs we are working with. This helps us in closing tabs that are not in use. This will release the occupied memory and resources.

User Interface: 

The user interface of Google Chrome is simple and minimal. It includes forward, refreshes, back, and menu keys. The users can add the home button from the settings. Many tabs are there at the top of the interface. The users can open many tabs while using Chrome. There are individual controls for each tab. There is a search bar on the page in the centre, where the user makes the searches and suggestions for previous URLs when the user is typing.


The users who make use of chrome can create shortcuts for applications on the web. This shortcut is added to the home page . The users have to click on it to load it.  


Google chrome allows its users to customize it according to their desire. They can add themes, extensions and web application to it. The users can even create their themes with the colours and graphics of their desired choice.

Multiple Sign-In: 

The users who share their computers can add multiple users in Chrome. This will separate each bookmark, extensions, and apps of one user from another. If Chrome is updated by one user, it will update for all users automatically.


Google Chrome can transfer content in the native language of the user from any foreign language. This feature helps users who are not familiar with many languages and can transfer them to their native language. Chrome also automatically transfers the content based on the location of the user. If a user has given location access to Chrome, it will transfer the website content to the native language of that place.

There are other features of Chrome as well which makes it highly efficient for use among the users.

How to Download and Install Google Chrome?

Chrome is available for mobile phones, tablets and desktops. In most mobile phones, it comes as a default application. If some mobile phones do not have it, then the users can download it from Google Play Store and install it on their phone. However, for tablets and desktops, there are few steps to download and install it:

  1. On your device, open the default web browser and type Google Chrome Download and click on the first link by Google.
  2. Select the version according to your device and click on download.
  3. When the file finishes downloading, go to the folder it is saved and click on it.
  4. There will be a prompt, click on Run and choose to save.
  5. The installation will start. The user can make chrome their default browser after installation.

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How to fix com.android.chrome not working

The users sometimes get a message as “Unfortunately com.android.chrome has stopped” while opening Chrome on their android device. Anybody who uses chrome regularly can find this very annoying. Let’s see some of the steps to fix this issue of com.android.chrome:

  • Update Chrome: When the users do not update Chrome for a long time, they might encounter this issue. The first step in such a case is to update the application. The outdated application does not work and shows this error.
  • Close Background Apps: Sometimes when there are a lot of apps running in the background, Chrome tends to show an error. The users must close all the background apps which are not in use. They can close and relaunch Chrome.
  • Reinstall Chrome: If both of the methods mentioned above do not work then the users can reinstall chrome again. The users can head towards settings and choose Apps and Notification. They have to open Chrome and uninstall it. Again, they can go to the play store and reinstall it.
  • Force Stop: Some users might not find the uninstall option when they open chrome from the settings. The users can click on Force Stop and relaunch the application. 
  • Clear Cache and Storage: Another solution is to clear the storage or cache memory. The users can follow the steps in the third method but instead of Uninstall, they have to click on Storage and Cache. There will be two options. Clear Storage will delete all the data in Chrome and users need to sign in again. Clear Cache will only delete the cache memory.


Google Chrome is a popular and most widely used web browser. The package name of it is com.android.chrome. There are many features in it as mentioned in the article above. If the users face any issue with it not working on their android device, there are some ways mentioned above to fix it.

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