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Error Code 9345

What is error code 9345? We all use the Amazon Prime app for watching online videos or shows.  Sometimes the user is getting the error code 9345 while they are watching any shows or videos. The error code 9345 issue is basically related to the payment method of your account.it occurred because of expired credit card information or if there is any invalid information there are many reasons behind this error code 9345.

Amazon Prime users are proclaiming that they are observing error 9345 many times. After investigating this issue properly there are several causes for error code. Following are some reasons

Error Code 9345
Error Code 9345

Reasons for error code 9345?

Minimum bandwidth requirement is not met

If you are having a limited plan and if your ISP having technical issues then you can see this error code because your connection is not enough for supporting the streaming from Amazon Prime video. In this situation, you can test your connection, or you can simply upgrade your current bandwidth plan.

Issue with payment the payment plan

Most commonly the users of Amazon Prime can face this issue if you payment details is failed the check that is done by Amazon Prime.

TCP/IP network inconsistency

If you are having the network inconsistency then you can face this issue .you can fix this issue by just rebooting your network.

Corrupted temporary data

If you are facing the issue with streaming device outside the scope of your mobile or desktop.it is happening due to corrupted temporary data that is simply caught by streaming device.

How to fix error code 9345?

Following are some steps to overcome or to fix the error 9345 in Amazon Prime app

1) Check the internet connection

We know that if the internet connection is low then we can’t access any app properly. And the app should be to throw the error here also if the internet connection is low or internet connection is not available properly then the app is not worked properly it will throw the error.

You have to always keep in your mind that Amazon Prime requires 900kbps range for your android IOS and PC and if you are to watch Amazon Prime videos on the smart TV’s then the range or the bandwidth will be 3.5 Mbps. If you are having limited plan then also this error is encountered  because your ISP is not to provide you enough bandwidth to use this app.

The error 9345 mostly occurred if your internet connection is poor. This will create bugs in Amazon Prime so to overcome this issue you can connect to hotspot and check whether the app is working  properly or not otherwise go there where the connection bandwidth is high.

If you are using a router then simply you have to replay it and then open your Amazon Prime app and check whether it is working properly or not.

2) Reinstall Amazon Prime app

Your unusual cache data is also responsible for the error code 9345 so to overcome this problem you just uninstall Amazon Prime and again reinstall it in your device after reinstalling to check whether it is working properly or not.

Steps to reinstall Amazon Prime

1) First uninstall the app from your device

2) Go to the play store

3) Again install the Amazon Prime app

3) Check for updates

Sometimes the error occurred because of an outdated version of the app you used, so you have to update the version to solve this problem. You can update the the latest version of the Amazon Prime after updating play any show for testing and check whether it is working perfectly or not.

For updating use following steps

1) Go to play store

2) Then My apps

3) Updates.

4) Check the payment

You always have to keep in mind that the payment method is the most common culprit for this issue of error code 9345. This happens because backend account check is to happen when you are streaming on the platform of Amazon Prime video.

To fix this you should check payment details tab in your account and if there is a problem then. You can resolve it immediately.

Mostly the issue occurred due to payment method. If your payment is not done then it will throw this error. This issue is mostly attached with the payment method so first check your payment is properly done or not. Check all payment details and check whether your cards are expired or not if the card is expired then also it will throw the error.

Following are some steps to check payment method

1) Go to the account page of your Amazon Prime account and sign in with user credentials

2)once you sign up properly with your user credentials then click on the account icon after that click on account from context menu which is appeared

3)click on payment option

4) click on payment method and you have to check your all payment details if their is any problem regarding to the credit card details.

5) Restart the Amazon Prime app

Another situation where you can expect that the error code 9345 occurred is when there is network inconsistency because of this we can’t able to watch the videos.

We use the restart option many times when our websites is not working properly or if it throws errors here also by just restarting the app you can solve the error easily. You have to just close the app and again start it.

6) Refresh the app

If some error occurred then just refreshing the app will solve your error. We also used the refresh button to refresh the browser, so it will work properly so here also we used the refresh button if the app is not working properly.

This is the steps you should follow to solve or to fix the error code 9345.

Read also: Disney plus error code 1028 | Error code 83 – Fix it

What is Brit box?

Brit box is an original, paid for and streaming service available on many devices such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+. It hosts the big collection of the British content on any streaming service. If you are new to the Brit box service then you can get free trial before the payment due.

How to fix Brit box error code 9345?

Use following steps to fix the Brit box error code 9345

1) check you are using the latest version of  Brit box

If you saw the error message like “this content is not available on this device”, media resolution failed or a “manifest”. Then this error is occurred because of an outdated version of Brit box, and you have to update you app to solve this issue.

2) check if the error message is occurred when playing others episode or shows

You just have to play different movies or episodes if there is not any error message, and you are able to watch videos then the glitch is need to fix by the Brit box.

3) Reopen the app

To solve the issue just try to reopen the Brit box app.

4) check internet connection

The issue is maybe occurred due to low bandwidth of the internet connection. You have to check the bandwidth if you are using routers then plugged in it again.

5) Restart your device

Just power off your device for just 1 minute and switch on.


As noted above, the Amazon Prime error code 9345 is very easy to solve. By keeping your software and your payment updated you can never experience this error. Hope you enjoy the article.

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