Headphone Static – The issue with almost every hearing aid
Hey folks! I am here again with a new problem of headphone static, to discuss with you. This problem persists even today in our gadgets. We are also aware that sincerely we don’t care that much. For example, you are doing your studies and have some difficulty. The problem is, your night light continuously blinks which draws the attention. You adjust with that somehow. In extreme conditions sometimes it creates havoc. To resolve this issue either the light needs a repair or if it is too old then it needs to get replaced.
Every one of us in this world likes to listen to beautiful tunes and music. In the same way, calm music soothes the mind; it is played either with the help of a Speaker, sound recorder, headphone, or an earphone. But what will happen if it makes a disturbing sound. Like a honey bee makes a buzz tone near our ear. This issue is headphone static. It only happens only with earphones and headphones connected to a specific device playing the music. Ok, this article gives a detailed perspective about it.
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What is a sound?
In physics the meaning is very simple: “Sound is a type of wave produced from a source which travels through some relative mediums and reaches to the destination”. In harmonics, sound defines some very interesting properties. The basic nature of this element is represented in the form of a Sine wave.
Relationship between sound and mathematics:
Mathematics analyzes the nature of sound very neatly. Various mathematicians studied this topic in different ways and proposed some theories accordingly. Among these, most of the principles were very beneficial in industrial as well as domestic applications.
The main roots lie under wave theory: Waves are the fundamental units that carry some physical entities. There is always a source through which waves are generated. They act differently on different mediums. Galileo Galilei proposed his research on the wave nature of sound. Their collective efforts unveiled the following properties:
- Sound travels in the form of waves
- It is a longitudinal wave.
- Traveling through a medium sound experiences compressions and rarefactions.
- It has amplitude and frequency that varies with time accordingly.
- Has a Sine function like representation.
- Intensity changes through different mediums. Travels fastest in gases, then faster in liquids, and very slow in solid.
This is how a sound wave with Headphone Static noise looks like: (oscillator image)

The below flowchart give some details about the types:

Explanation of the flowchart:
Now, let try to understand what I will be explaining. The above diagram gives us vital information about its types and it is also closely related to our Headphone static problem. We, humans, have five sensory organs. One of those is ears. They perform the task of collecting all the audible tones near to them and help us listen to them. But there are certain limits given to it. A human ear on average can hear sound ranging from frequencies 20 Hertz to 20 Kilo Hertz. They include music, noise, and other subtypes.
Music and instruments:
Humans developed music and instruments related to it. The vocal box situated inside the throat helps us to make various tones and noises. In the same way, chords are attached to various instruments like Veena, Ektara, Ravan Hattha, etc. When plucked in various manners they produce beautiful voices which we all call music.
Research says that an infant (small baby) is capable of detecting sounds less than the lower and greater than the upper limits defined. So scientifically the sound frequency less than 20 Hz is called Infrasonic Sound. And that above 20 kHz is defined as Ultrasonic sound.
There are only some animals in nature who can hear it- the Dog and Wolf species are one of those. Interruption to them causes
Uses are:
- SONAR – Sound Navigation And Ranging. Geologists use it for marine life exploration, measuring ocean depths that cannot be calculated manually. When sending through a medium they collide with very high speed and return to the receiver. Then the distance is calculated by taking a product of the speed of the wave and the time is taken by it to strike the surface.
- Jewelers use them for finding an impurity in metals like platinum, gold, silver, etc.
- Metallurgical experts use it to study the properties of metals.
- In atomic science, sound waves are used to study the complex molecular structure of an atom.
- In medical science: embryology uses ultrasound to carry out Sonography. The purpose is to check the condition of the developing fetus inside the womb of a mother. Animals and humans both are tested.
What is noise?
Noise is defined as an unwanted sound. It occurs when the frequency of any type of sound exceeds a certain limit or the amplitude and oscillations are randomly changing. This creates very uncertain mechanisms in the wave nature. Though, all the properties remain the same.
There are various reasons behind noise production.
- Cars stuck in traffic create a lot more noise
- DJ in night shows
- When two large objects collide
- Any empty vessel falls on the floor
- Metal is struck by some object (sonorous property of metals).
- When the headphones become static.
In this article, we will be finding the solution for the last example. First of all, let’s try to know,
How a headphone become static?
There is not a single example of this problem. There can be multiple elements that can cause this problem. But some can be detected.
In the case of wired headphones:
- When we buy some electronic device the thing that needs to be taken care of is its maintenance. To attain better results and longer life of the device needs to be cleaned and dusted. The oxidation of the inside metal, as well as dust particles getting inside through the holes of speakers, may damage it. This makes the devices emit a continuous beep or buzz sound with the incoming noise.
- How the wires are plugged in should also be properly checked.
- Checking whether if the headphone jack is damaged.
In case of unwired or Bluetooth headphones:
- Recheck the connections.
- Take it away from magnets or magnetic devices. The magnetic field created a disturbance due to attraction or repulsion forces that develop between speakers and headsets.
- Clean the headphones neatly.
These are some of the traditional techniques but what to do then all these fail on every attempt.
Nevertheless, these are hardware-level solutions. I have another set of solutions for you all. Trust me they will never let you down. They are of course software-related. This means the external device can be repaired by changing the system settings. Doesn’t that sound interesting?
How to fix headphone static problem?
There are some solutions at the computing level. As we all know one of the smartest inventions of human beings is the computes. So we will make a thorough approach while designing solutions.
For the windows 10 platform:
Audio problems on the OS level are solved on the driver level. The drivers play a major game in software-hardware interaction. For every activity performed on a computer, driver support is most important. They are available in the following category:
- Sound and audio – Realtek High Definition Audio
- Graphics – DirectX versions, NVidia, AMD GPU drivers
- Display
- Device Performance
For our use we are taking the Realtek drivers:
Option 1: Update Drivers
- Go to the home tab. In the search bar start typing “Device Manager”.

- Click on that and locate “Sound, Video and Game controllers”:

- In that locate “Realtek High Definition Audio“:

- Right-click on that and select “Update Drivers“. The system will automatically look for any update and return to you with preferred results:

- In case if this does not works click on the second option below that “Search for driver in the Windows update“. It will send you to the Windows update section where you can inspect the Windows version and renew it.

Option 2: Browse my computer for drivers
- Follow the same procedure up to step 4 from option 1. Then in the update driver option select “Browse my computer for drivers”.
- Click on the second option shown in the image :

- After that, it will take you to the folder where pre-installed drivers of your computer exist. Select High Definition Audio Device and click on next:

- Wait for some time as after the update gets over close every operation, restart your PC.
Option 3: Scan for hardware changes
- Click on the audio driver.
- Then click on Uninstall.

- After the un-installation is done go to “Scan for hardware changes”.

- It will reinstall the repaired drivers. Do restart your computer after that.
Option 4: Disable all enhancements
- Click on the start button and look for Control Panel.
- In that select “Hardware and Sound”

- Click on ‘Sound’

- Choose the audio device on which you want to make changes.
- Then right-click and choose properties.

- In that go to enhancements. There check on “Disable all enhancements“. Click on Apply and OK.

Option 5: Sample rate
- Click on the start button and look for Control Panel.
- In that select “Hardware and Sound”
- Click on ‘Sound’
- Choose the audio device on which you want to make changes.
- After selecting the audio device right click and click on properties. Navigate to advanced options.

- Then select the sample rate and test accordingly. Check the performance and set the audio type.

Option 6: Troubleshooting
- On the start menu. Click on the settings icon.
- In that go-to system.
- Next select sound.

- In the sound, environment select the output device.
- Click on the troubleshooting options. Wait for the process to over.

- If any problem persists, it will show the problem window with a solution.

- Then restart the laptop/computer.
Option 7: Watch our youtbe video
The list of solutions will work on your problem. Headphone static is not a big issue at a low level. But if underestimated, it can lead to major problems related to the ears. The hearing capacity may decrease.
Here we give goodbye to the problem Headphone static. Music and sound both are very important in our life. Almost every work is incomplete without it. I recommend using headphones at the limit. They produce sweat when wore in-ears for a long time which causes deafness.
The real magic is not what we see, it is what we listen to and then feel it. Let it be some good thought, music, or a lesson for life. Listening should be a good skill. Even some real-life experiences narrate that an uncured mentally ill person gets fit and fine. It is all because of a single word “sound”. That’s why we sometimes say that – I am safe and sound.
So it is a humble request to you to keep your voice humble. It is nothing but waves of positivity.
Headphone Static is really a panic problem, its very tough to get the exact place of issue. Your article helps me a lot, Thanks dude!