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Flashlight on iPhone not working

Have you ever found yourself in the dark, needing your iPhone’s flashlight, only to discover that it’s not working? You’re not alone; many iPhone users have encountered this frustrating issue. The flashlight is an essential feature, especially in emergencies or low-light situations. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the common reasons why the flashlight on iPhone may stop working and provide step-by-step procedures to fix it. Whether you have an iPhone X, iPhone 11, or any other model, read on to learn how to resolve this problem and bring back the light to your device!

Flashlight on iPhone not working

Reasons why the flashlight on your iPhone may not be working

There are several reasons why the flashlight on your iPhone may not be working:

  1. Battery Level and Device Overheating: When your iPhone’s battery is critically low or the device overheats, the flashlight may be disabled to conserve power.
  2. Software Glitches and Bugs: Outdated or corrupted iOS versions can lead to malfunctions in various functionalities, including the flashlight.
  3. Control Center Configuration: Improper settings in the Control Center can cause the flashlight icon to be inaccessible or greyed out.
  4. Physical Damage or Water Exposure: Physical damage or exposure to water can disrupt the proper functioning of the flashlight and other components.
  5. Third-Party Apps Interference: Certain third-party apps may interfere with the iPhone’s flashlight functionality, causing it to malfunction.
  6. Hardware Component Malfunction: In rare cases, the flashlight problem might be due to a malfunctioning hardware component.

How to fix flashlight on iPhone not working?

Fix 1: Charge Your iPhone and Allow it to Cool Down

If your iPhone flashlight is not working, it might be due to a low battery level or device overheating. Here’s how to fix it:

  1. Charge Your iPhone: Connect your iPhone to a charger and allow it to charge for a while. A critically low battery can disable certain features, including the flashlight. Once the battery has sufficient power, try using the flashlight again.
  2. Check for Overheating: If your device feels hot to the touch, it might be overheating. In such cases, the iPhone may temporarily disable the flashlight to prevent further heat buildup. To cool down your iPhone, turn it off and keep it in a cool, well-ventilated area for a few minutes.
  3. Restart Your iPhone: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve software-related issues that may be causing the flashlight problem. Press and hold the power button until the “slide to power off” slider appears. Slide it to turn off your iPhone, then turn it back on after a few seconds.
  4. Update iOS: Ensure your iPhone’s iOS is up to date. Software glitches and bugs in older iOS versions can cause malfunctions in various features, including the flashlight. To check for updates, go to Settings > General > Software Update and install any available updates.
  5. Reset Settings: If the flashlight issue persists, you can try resetting your iPhone’s settings. This action will not delete your data, but it will reset all settings to their default values. To do this, go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings.
  6. Restore iPhone: As a last resort, if none of the above steps work, you can try restoring your iPhone to its factory settings. This will erase all data and settings on your device, so make sure to back up your data before proceeding. To restore your iPhone, connect it to a computer, open iTunes (for macOS Mojave and earlier) or Finder (for macOS Catalina and later), and select “Restore iPhone.”

Remember that if the flashlight issue is due to a hardware problem, these steps may not be effective. In such cases, it’s best to seek assistance from Apple Support or visit an Apple Store for professional help.

Fix 2: Re-Enable Flashlight in the Control Center

Sometimes, the flashlight on your iPhone may not work due to improper settings in the Control Center. If the flashlight icon is inaccessible or greyed out, it may be disabled in the Control Center settings. Here’s how to fix it:

  1. Open Settings: Go to the home screen of your iPhone and tap on the “Settings” app. It has a gear-shaped icon and is usually located on the first page of your apps.
  2. Access Control Center Settings: In the Settings app, scroll down and find “Control Center” in the list. Tap on it to access the Control Center settings.
  3. Customize Controls: Within the Control Center settings, you’ll see a list of included and excluded controls. Tap on “Customize Controls.”
  4. Find Flashlight: In the “Customize Controls” section, look for the “Flashlight” option. If it’s not in the “Included Controls” section, it means the flashlight is not enabled in the Control Center.
  5. Add Flashlight to Control Center: To re-enable the flashlight, tap the green “+” button next to “Flashlight.” This action will move the flashlight icon to the “Included Controls” section, making it accessible in the Control Center.
  6. Access Control Center: Return to the home screen and swipe down from the top right corner (or the bottom on older iPhone models) to open the Control Center. The flashlight icon should now be visible and functional.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the flashlight issue related to Control Center settings. If the problem persists, consider trying the other fixes mentioned earlier in the article or seeking professional assistance if it’s a hardware-related problem.

Fix 3: Remove Third-Party Apps Interference

Certain third-party apps installed on your iPhone may interfere with the proper functioning of the flashlight, leading to malfunctions. To fix the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Close Background Apps: Start by closing all running apps in the background. Double-click the home button (for iPhones with a home button) or swipe up from the bottom of the screen (for iPhones without a home button) to access the app switcher. Swipe left or right to view the list of running apps and swipe them up and off the screen to close them.
  2. Test the Flashlight: After closing all background apps, check if the flashlight works properly. If the issue was caused by app interference, it should be resolved now.
  3. Uninstall Recently Installed Apps: If the flashlight problem persists, consider uninstalling any recently installed third-party apps. One of these apps might be conflicting with the iOS system and causing the flashlight to malfunction.
  4. Enter Safe Mode (Optional): If you suspect that a particular app is causing the issue, you can try entering safe mode to see if the flashlight works correctly without third-party interference. To enter safe mode, turn off your iPhone and then turn it back on while holding the volume up button until the device boots up. In safe mode, only system apps will be active, and all third-party apps will be disabled. Test the flashlight while in safe mode.
  5. Reinstall Apps (If Necessary): If the flashlight works fine in safe mode, it confirms that one of the third-party apps is causing the problem. You can uninstall and reinstall apps one by one to identify the culprit. After each uninstallation, test the flashlight to check if it starts functioning correctly.
  6. Factory Reset (Last Resort): If the flashlight issue persists and you’re unable to identify the problematic app, you may have to perform a factory reset on your iPhone. A factory reset will erase all data and settings on your device, so make sure to back up your important data before proceeding. To perform a factory reset, go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings.

By following these steps, you can identify and remove any third-party app interference that may be causing the flashlight problem on your iPhone. However, exercise caution when uninstalling or resetting apps, as you may lose data if not backed up properly.

Read more: Personal hotspot not showing on iPhone

Fix 4: Seek Professional Hardware Assessment

If none of the previous fixes have resolved the issue, it’s possible that the flashlight problem on your iPhone is due to a hardware malfunction. In such cases, seeking professional assistance is the best course of action. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Check for Visible Damage: Before seeking professional help, inspect your iPhone for any visible signs of damage. Look for cracks, dents, or other physical abnormalities that might have impacted the device. Also, check the flashlight lens for any dirt or debris that could be obstructing the light.
  2. Verify Water Exposure: If your iPhone has been exposed to water, it could be causing the flashlight to malfunction. Check the Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI) to see if it has turned red or pink, indicating water damage. The LCI is usually located inside the SIM card slot.
  3. Contact Apple Support: If you find visible damage or suspect water exposure, it’s essential to contact Apple Support immediately. You can do this through the Apple Support app, the Apple website, or by calling Apple Support directly. Describe the issue and any observed physical damage or water exposure to the support representative.
  4. Visit an Apple Store: If advised by Apple Support, visit the nearest Apple Store to get your iPhone physically inspected by a certified technician. The technician will assess the hardware components, including the flashlight, and provide you with appropriate repair options.
  5. Apple Authorized Service Provider: If there’s no Apple Store nearby, you can also seek assistance from an Apple Authorized Service Provider. These are third-party companies authorized by Apple to perform repairs on their products.
  6. Warranty Coverage (If Applicable): If your iPhone is still under warranty, the repair or replacement cost for hardware issues may be covered. Check the warranty status of your device before getting it serviced.

Remember that attempting to fix hardware issues on your own or by unqualified individuals can void your warranty and may cause further damage to your iPhone. It’s best to let professionals with the necessary expertise handle any hardware-related problems.

In most cases, the flashlight issue on your iPhone can be resolved through software fixes or adjusting settings. However, if the problem persists despite trying all the solutions mentioned in this article, it’s crucial to seek professional assistance. By doing so, you can ensure a proper assessment of the hardware components and get the necessary repairs to restore your iPhone’s flashlight functionality.

Fix 5: Update iOS or Downgrade (If Necessary)

An outdated or faulty iOS version can sometimes cause issues with various features, including the flashlight. Here’s how to update or downgrade your iOS to potentially resolve the flashlight problem:

  1. Check for Updates: Go to “Settings” on your iPhone, then tap “General.” Next, select “Software Update” to check if there’s a newer iOS version available. If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install it.
  2. Backup Your Data: Before updating or downgrading iOS, it’s essential to back up your data to avoid any data loss during the process. You can back up your iPhone using iCloud or iTunes.
  3. Update iOS: If an update is available, proceed to install it. Updating iOS can often fix bugs and improve system stability, which might resolve the flashlight issue.
  4. Downgrade iOS (Optional): In some cases, a new iOS update may introduce new bugs or conflicts that affect the flashlight. If you recently updated your iPhone and the flashlight issue started afterward, you might consider downgrading to the previous iOS version. Note that downgrading is only possible for a limited time after an iOS update is released, as Apple eventually stops signing the older versions.
  5. Restore from Backup (Optional): If you decide to downgrade, follow the instructions for downgrading your iPhone to the previous iOS version. After the process is complete, you can restore your data from the backup you made earlier.
  6. Recheck Flashlight: Once the iOS update or downgrade is complete, check if the flashlight is functioning properly. If it’s still not working, consider trying the other fixes mentioned in this article or seeking professional assistance.

Keep in mind that updating or downgrading iOS carries certain risks, and it’s essential to follow the steps carefully and back up your data before making any changes to your device’s operating system.

Updating iOS can often resolve software-related issues that may be affecting the flashlight on your iPhone. However, in some cases, a new update might introduce problems, and downgrading could be necessary. By keeping your iOS up to date or taking the appropriate steps to downgrade, you increase the chances of fixing any software-related flashlight problems.

Fix 6: Perform a Hard Reset

If the flashlight on your iPhone is still not working despite trying all the previous fixes, performing a hard reset might help to resolve the issue. A hard reset forces your iPhone to restart, which can sometimes clear temporary glitches and bring back the functionality of the flashlight. Here’s how to do it:

  1. iPhone 8 and Earlier Models:
    • Press and hold the power button (also known as the side or top button) and the home button simultaneously.
    • Keep holding both buttons until you see the Apple logo appear on the screen.
    • Release the buttons, and your iPhone will restart.
  2. iPhone X and Later Models:
    • Quickly press and release the volume up button.
    • Quickly press and release the volume down button.
    • Press and hold the power button (side button) until the Apple logo appears on the screen.
    • Release the power button, and your iPhone will restart.
  3. Check Flashlight: After the hard reset, check if the flashlight is now working. If it is, then the problem was likely due to a temporary software glitch that the hard reset resolved.
  4. Backup Your Data (Optional): Before performing a hard reset, it’s a good idea to back up your data, as a hard reset won’t erase your data but can cause data loss in rare cases.
  5. Seek Professional Help (If Necessary): If the flashlight is still not working after the hard reset, it’s possible that the issue is hardware-related. In such cases, it’s best to contact Apple Support or visit an Apple Store for further assistance.

Performing a hard reset can often resolve minor software issues that may be causing the flashlight problem on your iPhone. It’s a simple yet powerful solution that can refresh your device and bring back the functionality of the flashlight. However, if the problem persists or you suspect a hardware-related issue, don’t hesitate to seek professional help to diagnose and fix the problem accurately.

Fix 7: Use AssistiveTouch as a Temporary Solution

If the flashlight on your iPhone is still not working, and you need an immediate solution while waiting for professional assistance or a permanent fix, you can use AssistiveTouch as a temporary workaround to access the flashlight. AssistiveTouch is an accessibility feature that creates a virtual on-screen button that mimics hardware functions. Here’s how to enable and use AssistiveTouch for the flashlight:

  1. Enable AssistiveTouch:
    • Go to “Settings” on your iPhone.
    • Tap on “Accessibility.”
    • Under the “Touch” section, select “AssistiveTouch.”
    • Turn on the AssistiveTouch toggle switch.
  2. Customize Top-Level Menu:
    • After enabling AssistiveTouch, tap on “Customize Top-Level Menu.”
    • Tap on the “+” icon and find “Flashlight” in the list of available functions. Tap on it to add it to the AssistiveTouch menu.
  3. Use AssistiveTouch for Flashlight:
    • A small circle will now appear on your screen, representing AssistiveTouch.
    • Tap on the circle to open the AssistiveTouch menu.
    • Tap on the “Flashlight” icon in the menu to turn on the flashlight.
    • To turn off the flashlight, open the AssistiveTouch menu again and tap the “Flashlight” icon once more.

While AssistiveTouch provides a temporary solution for accessing the flashlight, it’s essential to remember that it does not fix the underlying issue with the physical flashlight function. Therefore, it’s still advisable to seek professional assistance to address the problem permanently.

Fix 8: Restore Your iPhone to Factory Settings

If all other fixes have failed to resolve the flashlight issue on your iPhone, restoring it to factory settings may be the last resort. Restoring your iPhone will erase all data and settings, returning it to the state it was in when you first bought it. Here’s how to restore your iPhone to factory settings:

  1. Backup Your Data:
    • Before proceeding with the restore, ensure that you have a recent backup of your data. You can back up your iPhone using iCloud or iTunes.
  2. Disable Find My iPhone (If Enabled):
    • If you have Find My iPhone enabled, go to “Settings” > [Your Name] > “Find My” and turn off “Find My iPhone.”
  3. Perform the Factory Reset:
    • Go to “Settings” on your iPhone.
    • Tap on “General.”
    • Scroll down and select “Reset.”
    • Choose “Erase All Content and Settings.”
    • If prompted, enter your device passcode or Apple ID password.
    • Confirm the action and proceed with the factory reset.
  4. Wait for the Reset to Complete:
    • The factory reset process may take some time to complete. Your iPhone will restart and display the “Hello” setup screen once it’s done.
  5. Restore Your Data:
    • During the initial setup, you’ll be prompted to restore your iPhone from a backup. Follow the on-screen instructions to restore your data from the backup you created earlier.
  6. Check the Flashlight:
    • After the restore and data restoration, check if the flashlight is now functioning correctly. If the issue was software-related, the flashlight should work as expected.
  7. Seek Professional Help (If Necessary):
    • If the flashlight problem persists even after the factory reset, it’s likely a hardware-related issue. In such cases, it’s best to contact Apple Support or visit an Apple Store for further assessment and repair.

Restoring your iPhone to factory settings can be a drastic measure, as it erases all data and settings. However, it can sometimes resolve persistent software issues that affect the flashlight and other functionalities. Make sure to back up your data before proceeding, and if the problem persists after the restore, it’s time to seek professional assistance for a thorough hardware evaluation and repair.

Preventing Tips to Avoid Future Flashlight issues

  1. Regular Software Updates: Always keep your iPhone’s iOS up to date. Software updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can prevent flashlight issues caused by software glitches.
  2. Use Apple-Certified Accessories: Use only genuine Apple-certified charging cables and adapters. Using non-certified accessories may damage your iPhone’s internal components, leading to flashlight malfunctions.
  3. Protect from Physical Damage: Invest in a sturdy phone case to protect your iPhone from accidental drops and impacts. Physical damage can affect various functionalities, including the flashlight.
  4. Avoid Water Exposure: Keep your iPhone away from water and other liquids. Water damage can lead to long-term issues with the flashlight and other components.
  5. Manage Third-Party Apps: Be cautious when installing third-party apps. Stick to reputable sources, and regularly review your installed apps to remove any that may be causing conflicts.
  6. Optimize Battery Usage: Avoid letting your iPhone’s battery drain completely. Charge it regularly to prevent features, including the flashlight, from being disabled due to low power.
  7. Don’t Overheat Your Device: Avoid prolonged usage or exposure to direct sunlight, as overheating can trigger temporary malfunctions, including the flashlight.
  8. Reset Settings with Caution: If you reset your iPhone’s settings, be prepared to reconfigure your preferences. It’s always safer to try other fixes first before resorting to a full reset.
  9. Enable Find My iPhone: Enable the Find My iPhone feature to help locate your device in case of loss or theft. It can also remotely disable the flashlight for security reasons.
  10. Properly Maintain Your iPhone: Regularly clean the flashlight lens and other ports to ensure proper functionality and prevent dirt or debris from affecting the performance.

By following these preventive tips, you can minimize the chances of encountering flashlight issues on your iPhone. Taking good care of your device and staying vigilant with software updates and app management will help ensure your flashlight remains reliable when you need it the most.


We’ve explored various reasons why the flashlight on your iPhone may stop working and provided effective fixes. From battery concerns to software glitches and physical damage, each issue has its solution. Updating iOS, configuring the Control Center, and uninstalling conflicting apps can do wonders. If problems persist, seeking professional assistance is essential. To avoid future issues, keep your iOS updated, protect against physical damage and water exposure, and be mindful of third-party apps. By following these tips, you can ensure your iPhone’s flashlight remains reliable when you need it most. Stay proactive, and enjoy the uninterrupted glow of your iPhone’s flashlight!


Why is my iPhone flashlight not working?

Common causes include low battery, software glitches, or physical damage.

How do I fix the flashlight on my iPhone?

Try charging your device, updating iOS, or enabling the flashlight in Control Center.

What if the flashlight icon is greyed out?

Check Control Center settings and add the flashlight icon if it’s missing.

Can third-party apps interfere with the flashlight?

Yes, uninstalling recently installed apps might resolve the issue.

What if my iPhone is physically damaged or exposed to water?

Seek professional help for inspection and repair.

Why should I keep my iOS up to date?

Software updates fix bugs and improve stability, preventing flashlight malfunctions.

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