Home » How To Fix » Fitbit charge 5 screen not working

Fitbit charge 5 screen not working

The Fitbit Charge 5 is a popular fitness tracker known for its sleek design and advanced features. However, like any electronic device, it may encounter issues over time. One common problem reported by users is a non-responsive or malfunctioning screen. In this article, we will explore the possible reasons behind the Fitbit Charge 5 screen not working and provide step-by-step solutions to fix the issue. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or simply someone looking to track their daily activities, read on to learn how to resolve this frustrating problem.

Reasons for Fitbit Charge 5 Screen Not Working

1. Software Glitch

In some cases, a software glitch can cause the Fitbit Charge 5 screen to become unresponsive. This can happen due to an incomplete firmware update, conflicting apps, or general software instability. When a software glitch occurs, the screen may freeze, show distorted graphics, or not respond to touch inputs. To determine if this is the cause, try restarting your device by pressing and holding the side button for 10 seconds until the Fitbit logo appears. If the screen starts working again, it was likely a temporary software issue. However, if the problem persists, move on to the next possible cause.

Fitbit charge 5 screen not working

2. Physical Damage

Another reason for the screen not working on your Fitbit Charge 5 could be physical damage. Accidental drops, impact, or exposure to water can damage the internal components of the device, including the screen. Inspect your Fitbit for any visible signs of damage, such as cracks, scratches, or water ingress. Even minor damage can interfere with the screen’s functionality. If you notice any physical damage, contact Fitbit support or visit an authorized service center for repair or replacement options.

3. Loose Connection 

A loose connection between the screen and the device’s internal components can also lead to screen issues. Over time, the screen’s connectors may become loose due to constant use or mechanical stress. This can result in a blank screen, flickering display, or intermittent response to touch. To fix this, you can try gently pressing the screen around the edges to ensure a secure connection. However, if this doesn’t resolve the problem, it is best to seek professional assistance.

How to fix the Fitbit Charge 5 Screen not working?

Fix 1: Update Firmware

Updating the firmware on your Fitbit Charge 5 can address software-related issues and improve device performance. Follow these steps to update the firmware:

  • Step 1: Open the Fitbit app on your smartphone.
  • Step 2: Tap the Account icon located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Step 3: Select your Fitbit Charge 5 device from the list of connected devices.
  • Step 4: If there is a firmware update available, you will see an “Update available” message. Tap on it.
  • Step 5: Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the firmware update.

Make sure your Fitbit Charge 5 remains in close proximity to your smartphone during the update process. Once the update is complete, check if the screen is now working properly. If not, proceed to the next fix.

Fix 2: Check Battery Level and Charge

A low battery level can sometimes cause the screen to become unresponsive. Follow these steps to check the battery level and charge your Fitbit Charge 5:

  • Step 1: Swipe right on the clock face and tap the Settings icon.
  • Step 2: Scroll down and tap “Battery.”
  • Step 3: Check the battery level displayed on the screen.
  • Step 4: If the battery level is low, connect your Fitbit Charge 5 to the charger and allow it to charge for at least 20 minutes.

Once the device is adequately charged, check if the screen is functioning properly. If the issue persists, try the next fix.

Fix 3: Check for Physical Obstructions

Sometimes, physical obstructions on or around the screen can interfere with its functionality. Dust, dirt, or debris may accumulate over time and affect the screen’s responsiveness. Follow these steps to check for physical obstructions and clean your Fitbit Charge 5:

  • Step 1: Turn off your Fitbit Charge 5 and remove it from your wrist.
  • Step 2: Inspect the screen closely for any visible dust, dirt, or debris.
  • Step 3: Gently wipe the screen with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove any particles. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.
  • Step 4: Pay attention to the edges of the screen and the area where it meets the device. Use a clean, dry cotton swab to remove any stubborn debris.
  • Step 5: Once the screen is clean, turn on your Fitbit Charge 5 and check if the screen is now functioning properly.

By checking for physical obstructions and keeping the screen clean, you can ensure optimal performance and responsiveness.

Fix 4: Reset Network Settings

If you’re experiencing screen issues on your Fitbit Charge 5, it could be due to network connectivity problems. Resetting the network settings can help resolve this issue. Follow these steps to reset the network settings on your Fitbit Charge 5:

  • Step 1: Swipe right on the clock face and tap the Settings icon.
  • Step 2: Scroll down and tap “About.”
  • Step 3: Scroll down further and tap “Reset Network Settings.”
  • Step 4: Confirm the action by selecting “Yes” or “Reset.”

Once the network settings are reset, your Fitbit Charge 5 will disconnect from any previously connected networks. You’ll need to reconnect your device to a Wi-Fi network, if desired, by following the on-screen instructions.

After resetting the network settings, check if the screen is now working properly. If the issue persists, it’s recommended to contact Fitbit support for further assistance. Remember to perform this fix only if you suspect network connectivity issues. If the screen problem is unrelated to network settings, try the other fixes mentioned earlier.

Fix 5: Update Fitbit App

In some cases, an outdated or incompatible Fitbit app can cause issues with the screen functionality on your Fitbit Charge 5. Updating the Fitbit app to the latest version can help resolve compatibility issues and ensure optimal performance. Follow these steps to update the Fitbit app:

  • Step 1: Open the app store on your smartphone (e.g., Google Play Store for Android or App Store for iOS).
  • Step 2: Search for “Fitbit” in the app store search bar.
  • Step 3: If an update is available for the Fitbit app, you will see an “Update” button next to it. Tap on the “Update” button.
  • Step 4: Wait for the app to download and install the latest update on your device.

Once the Fitbit app is updated, open the app and ensure that your Fitbit Charge 5 is properly connected. Check if the screen is now functioning properly. If the issue persists, consider trying the other fixes mentioned earlier or contacting Fitbit support for further assistance.

Remember to keep both your Fitbit app and device updated regularly to ensure compatibility and access to the latest features and bug fixes.

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Fix 6: Perform a Hard Reset

If the software reset and firmware update didn’t resolve the screen issue, performing a hard reset can sometimes help. Here’s how to perform a hard reset on your Fitbit Charge 5:

  • Step 1: Plug your charging cable into a USB port.
  • Step 2: Connect the other end of the charging cable to the charging port on the back of your Fitbit Charge 5.
  • Step 3: Press and hold the button on your Fitbit Charge 5 for 15 seconds.
  • Step 4: Release the button.

After performing a hard reset, the device should restart. Check if the screen is now working properly. If not, proceed to the final fix.

Fix 7: Perform a Software Reset

Performing a software reset on your Fitbit Charge 5 can help resolve software-related issues that may be causing the screen to malfunction. Here are the detailed steps to perform a software reset:

  • Step 1: Swipe right on the clock face and tap the Settings icon.
  • Step 2: Scroll down and tap “About.”
  • Step 3: Scroll down further and tap “Factory Reset” or “Clear User Data.”
  • Step 4: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the reset.

It’s important to note that performing a factory reset will erase all user data stored on your Fitbit Charge 5. To avoid losing your information, make sure to sync your Fitbit with the app beforehand to back up your data. Once the software reset is complete, check if the screen is now functioning properly. If the issue persists, proceed to the next fix.

Fix 8: Contact Fitbit Support

If the previous fixes didn’t resolve the screen issue, it’s recommended to reach out to Fitbit support for further assistance. Fitbit has a dedicated support team that can provide personalized guidance based on your specific problem. To contact Fitbit support, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Visit the Fitbit website on your computer or smartphone.
  • Step 2: Navigate to the support section of the website.
  • Step 3: Look for the contact details, such as a phone number or email address, or check if there is a live chat support option available.
  • Step 4: Reach out to Fitbit support and explain the problem you’re facing with your Fitbit Charge 5’s screen.

Fitbit support will guide you through additional troubleshooting steps or advise on possible repair or replacement options if necessary.

Preventing Screen Issues on Fitbit Charge 5

To minimize the occurrence of screen issues on your Fitbit Charge 5, it’s important to follow some preventive measures. Here are some tips to help you maintain the screen’s functionality and prevent future problems:

1. Handle with Care

Handle your Fitbit Charge 5 with care to avoid physical damage that can impact the screen. Avoid dropping the device, exposing it to excessive pressure, or subjecting it to impact. Treat it as a delicate electronic device and handle it gently.

2. Keep it Clean

Regularly clean the screen of your Fitbit Charge 5 to prevent dust, dirt, and debris from accumulating and affecting its responsiveness. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe the screen gently. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the screen.

3. Avoid Exposure to Water

While the Fitbit Charge 5 is water-resistant, it’s advisable to avoid prolonged exposure to water or submerging it in water beyond its recommended limits. Water damage can adversely affect the screen and other internal components. Remove the device before swimming or showering unless it’s specifically designed for such activities.

4. Update Firmware and App

Regularly check for firmware updates for your Fitbit Charge 5 and ensure that you have the latest version installed. Additionally, keep the Fitbit app on your smartphone updated to the latest version to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

5. Sync Regularly

Sync your Fitbit Charge 5 with the Fitbit app on your smartphone regularly. This allows for data backup and synchronization of settings, ensuring that your information is safe even if you need to perform a factory reset or encounter screen issues that require troubleshooting.

6. Avoid Overcharging

Avoid leaving your Fitbit Charge 5 connected to the charger for extended periods after it has reached full charge. Overcharging can strain the battery and potentially lead to screen-related issues. Disconnect the device from the charger once it’s fully charged.

7. Remove It During Extreme Activities

During high-impact or extreme activities, such as intense sports or heavy workouts, consider removing your Fitbit Charge 5 to prevent accidental damage to the screen. Securely store it in a safe place until the activity is completed.

By following these preventive tips, you can minimize the chances of encountering screen issues on your Fitbit Charge 5 and enjoy uninterrupted use of the device.


In conclusion, when faced with a non-responsive screen on your Fitbit Charge 5, there are several fixes you can try. Performing a software reset, updating the firmware, checking for physical obstructions, and resetting network settings are effective troubleshooting steps. Additionally, ensuring you handle the device with care, keeping it clean, and following preventive measures can help prevent screen issues in the future. If all else fails, contacting Fitbit support for further assistance is recommended. Stay proactive in maintaining your Fitbit Charge 5 to enjoy uninterrupted usage.


Why is the screen on my Fitbit Charge 5 not working?

The screen may not work due to software glitches, physical damage, loose connections, or network issues.

How can I fix the screen on my Fitbit Charge 5?

You can try solutions like performing a software reset, updating firmware, checking for physical obstructions, and resetting network settings.

What should I do if the screen issue persists?

Contact Fitbit support for personalized assistance and guidance tailored to your specific problem.

Can a software reset resolve the screen problem?

Yes, performing a software reset can often fix temporary software glitches causing screen issues.

Should I update the Fitbit app to address screen problem

Yes, updating the Fitbit app to the latest version can help resolve compatibility issues.

Is it necessary to sync my Fitbit Charge 5 regularly?

Yes, regular syncing allows for data backup and synchronization, ensuring your information is safe.

Should I remove the device during extreme activities?

Yes, updating the Fitbit app to the latest version can help resolve compatibility issues.

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