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Roll20 not working

Roll20 is a popular online platform that allows tabletop gaming enthusiasts to play their favorite role-playing games remotely. However, like any other digital tool, Roll20 may encounter technical glitches that can disrupt your gaming experience. One frustrating issue that many users encounter is Roll20 not working as expected. If you’re facing this problem, fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the reasons behind Roll20’s issues and provide detailed procedures to fix them.

Reasons Behind Roll20 Not Working

  1. Browser Incompatibility: Using an outdated or unsupported browser can lead to compatibility issues with Roll20.
  2. Internet Connection Problems: Poor or unstable internet connections can cause lag and disconnections during gameplay.
  3. Disabled JavaScript and Flash: Roll20 relies on JavaScript and Flash for its interactive features, and disabling them can cause functionality problems.
  4. Roll20 Server Downtime: If the Roll20 servers are down or experiencing technical difficulties, it can affect the platform’s performance.
  5. Interference from Browser Extensions: Certain browser extensions, like ad blockers or pop-up blockers, can disrupt Roll20’s functioning.
  6. High-Resolution Graphics: Using graphics-intensive assets, such as high-resolution maps or tokens, can slow down Roll20.
  7. Cached Data and Cookies: Accumulated cached data and cookies can lead to conflicts with Roll20’s functionality.
  8. Firewall and Antivirus Settings: Overly strict firewall or antivirus settings may block Roll20’s traffic.

By understanding these potential reasons, you can take appropriate measures to address and resolve Roll20 not working issues effectively.

Roll20 not working

How to fix Roll20 not working?

Fix 1: Check Browser Compatibility

If you are experiencing issues with Roll20, the first step is to ensure that your browser is compatible with the platform. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Update Your Browser: Make sure you are using the latest version of a modern browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. Outdated browsers may not support the advanced features of Roll20, leading to problems.
  2. Clear Cache and Cookies: Accumulated cache and cookies can sometimes cause conflicts with Roll20. Clear them by going to your browser settings and searching for “Clear browsing data.” Select “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files” and then click on “Clear data.”
  3. Enable JavaScript and Flash: Roll20 relies on JavaScript and Flash for its interactive elements. Ensure both are enabled in your browser settings. To check this, type “chrome://settings/content” in the address bar (for Chrome users), locate “JavaScript” and “Flash,” and make sure they are allowed.
  4. Disable Browser Extensions: Some browser extensions may interfere with Roll20. Temporarily disable them by clicking on the extension icon and choosing “Disable” or “Turn off” for each extension.

Fix 2: Check Internet Connection

A stable internet connection is crucial for seamless Roll20 gameplay. Follow these steps to troubleshoot your connection:

  1. Check Speed: Use a reliable speed test tool to measure your internet speed. Ensure that your download and upload speeds are sufficient for online gaming.
  2. Switch to Ethernet: If you are using a wireless connection, switch to an Ethernet cable for a more stable and reliable connection.
  3. Limit Bandwidth-Consuming Activities: If other users on your network are performing bandwidth-intensive tasks, like streaming or downloading large files, it can affect your Roll20 experience. Ask them to limit these activities during your gaming session.

Read more: 3 Games That Can Be Played in a Browser With No Install Needed

Fix 3: Verify Roll20 Server Status

Before troubleshooting further, check the status of the Roll20 servers:

  1. Check Official Twitter Account: Visit the official Roll20 Twitter account (@Roll20App) for updates on server status and ongoing issues.
  2. Visit Status Page: Go to Roll20’s website and navigate to their status page (e.g., “status.roll20.net”) for real-time information on server status and reported problems.

Fix 4: Adjust Graphics and Resolution

Graphics-intensive assets can impact Roll20’s performance. To optimize your experience, follow these steps:

  1. Reduce Image Quality: If you are using high-resolution maps or tokens, consider reducing their image quality. Compress large images to smaller file sizes without compromising too much on visual fidelity.
  2. Optimize Map Elements: Limit the number of dynamic elements, large images, or complex graphics on your maps to reduce the load on your system.

Fix 5: Clear Cached Data and Cookies

Clearing cached data and cookies can resolve conflicts and improve Roll20 performance:

  1. Clear Cached Data: Access your browser’s settings, find the option to clear browsing data, and select “Cached images and files” to remove stored data.
  2. Delete Cookies: In the same settings, choose “Cookies and other site data” and click on “Clear data” to remove cookies.

Fix 6: Adjust Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Firewalls and antivirus software can sometimes interfere with Roll20’s connections. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Add Roll20 as a Trusted Application: Access your firewall or antivirus settings and add Roll20 as a trusted application to allow its traffic.
  2. Adjust Security Settings: Modify the firewall and antivirus settings to strike a balance between security and allowing Roll20’s functionality.

By following these detailed steps, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve Roll20 not working issues, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable tabletop gaming experience for you and your fellow players.

Fix 7: Reinstall JavaScript and Flash Plugins

If Roll20 is still not functioning correctly after checking browser settings, it might be due to corrupted or outdated JavaScript and Flash plugins. Follow these steps to reinstall them:

  1. Remove Existing Plugins: Access your browser’s settings, navigate to the plugins or extensions section, and uninstall the existing JavaScript and Flash plugins.
  2. Download Latest Versions: Visit the official websites of JavaScript and Flash (https://www.java.com and https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer) to download the latest versions.
  3. Install JavaScript: Once downloaded, run the JavaScript installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install it on your system.
  4. Install Flash: After downloading Flash, run the installer and complete the installation process.
  5. Restart Browser: Close and reopen your browser to ensure that the new plugins take effect.
  6. Enable Plugins: Go back to your browser settings and confirm that both JavaScript and Flash are enabled.

By reinstalling the JavaScript and Flash plugins, you can resolve any potential conflicts and ensure that Roll20 operates smoothly with all its interactive features intact.

Fix 8: Run Roll20 in Incognito/Private Mode

If you’ve tried the previous fixes and are still experiencing issues with Roll20, running the platform in incognito/private mode can help isolate the problem. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Incognito/Private Window: Depending on your browser, you can open an incognito window by pressing “Ctrl+Shift+N” (Windows) or “Command+Shift+N” (Mac) for Google Chrome, “Ctrl+Shift+P” (Windows) or “Command+Shift+P” (Mac) for Mozilla Firefox, and “Ctrl+Shift+N” (Windows) or “Command+Shift+N” (Mac) for Microsoft Edge.
  2. Access Roll20: In the incognito/private window, navigate to Roll20 and log in to your account.
  3. Test Functionality: Play a test game or join an existing game to see if Roll20 is working correctly in this mode. If the issues persist, the problem might be with the platform or server.
  4. Check Extensions (Optional): Ensure that you have no browser extensions active in incognito/private mode. Extensions can still run in the background, even in incognito mode, and may cause conflicts with Roll20.

Running Roll20 in incognito/private mode allows you to test the platform without any interference from cached data, cookies, or extensions. If Roll20 works flawlessly in this mode, it suggests that some settings or extensions in your regular browsing mode are causing the problem. You can then proceed to identify and resolve the specific issue.

Preventing Roll20 Issues: Tips for a Smooth Gaming Experience

To ensure a seamless and enjoyable Roll20 gaming experience, consider implementing these preventive measures:

  • 1. Keep Your Browser Updated: Regularly update your browser to the latest version. This helps ensure compatibility with Roll20’s features and provides enhanced security and performance.
  • 2. Enable JavaScript and Flash: Check that JavaScript and Flash are enabled in your browser settings. Roll20 relies on these plugins for interactivity, and having them enabled is essential for smooth gameplay.
  • 3. Optimize Graphics: Use optimized graphics and images for your maps and tokens. High-resolution assets can slow down Roll20 and cause performance issues.
  • 4. Clear Cache and Cookies: Periodically clear your browser’s cache and cookies to avoid conflicts with Roll20’s functionality. Removing cached data helps ensure you’re accessing the latest version of the platform.
  • 5. Disable Unnecessary Browser Extensions: Disable browser extensions that might interfere with Roll20. Ad blockers, pop-up blockers, and privacy-focused extensions are common culprits.
  • 6. Check Internet Connection: Maintain a stable and reliable internet connection. A fast and steady connection prevents lag and disconnections during gameplay.
  • 7. Monitor Roll20 Server Status: Before starting a game, check the official Roll20 Twitter account or status page for any reported issues or server downtime.
  • 8. Use Ethernet Connection: For the most stable connection during online gaming, connect your device to the internet using an Ethernet cable instead of relying on Wi-Fi.
  • 9. Limit Bandwidth Usage: Ask other users on your network to limit bandwidth-consuming activities during your gaming sessions. This prevents potential disruptions to your Roll20 gameplay.
  • 10. Firewall and Antivirus Settings: Configure your firewall and antivirus settings to allow Roll20’s traffic while maintaining security.

By implementing these preventive tips, you can minimize the chances of encountering issues with Roll20 and ensure a smooth and immersive gaming experience for you and your fellow players.


Roll20 is an excellent platform for online tabletop gaming, but technical issues can occasionally disrupt your gaming sessions. By following the troubleshooting steps in this guide, you can identify and resolve the most common problems that cause Roll20 not to work. Remember to check your browser compatibility, internet connection, JavaScript, and Flash settings. Don’t forget to monitor Roll20’s server status and be mindful of browser extensions. Additionally, optimize graphics and clear cached data. Armed with this knowledge, you can enjoy seamless gaming experiences on Roll20 with your friends and fellow adventurers. Happy gaming!


Why is Roll20 not working?

Possible reasons include browser issues, connectivity problems, or server downtime.

How can I fix Roll20 problems?

Update browser, enable JavaScript and Flash, check internet connection, and clear cache.

What if I have browser extensions?

Disable unnecessary extensions to prevent interference with Roll20 functionality.

Why is Roll20 lagging?

Lag can be due to high-resolution graphics or slow internet connection.

How can I optimize graphics?

Use optimized images, reduce resolution, and limit dynamic elements on maps.

Is Roll20 server down?

Check the official Twitter account or status page for server updates.

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